Muhammadiyah: Election 2024 Must Strengthen Indonesian Values

Muhammadiyah wants 2024 election to be fair and dignified

Ketum PP Muhammadiyah (center) Prof. Haedar Nasir accompanied by Secretary General Prof. Abdul Muti in Media Gathering at PP Muhammadiyah, Thursday (28/12/2023).
Rep: Rahmat Fajar Red: Erdy Nasrul

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA— General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Nasedar Nashir stated that the contesting of the presidential and legislative elections should reinforce Indonesian values, not the other way around.

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“Contesting of presidential and legislative elections is expected to take place to strengthen the basic values of Indonesia,” Haedar Nashir said in a statement in Jakarta, Thursday (28/11/2023).

Haedar recalls the persistence of the founders of the nation in establishing the basic values of Indonesianism. According to him, the founders of the country were very serious about preparing Indonesia as a dignified nation.

He reminded that the elites and contestants who advanced in the Presidential Elections (Pilpres) and Legislative Elections (Pileg) to recall the history of the founding of Indonesia.

Thus, he said, it is hoped that the political dynamics taking place in the period leading up to this election will really preserve the morale of the nation.

He professes to be very reluctant to watch the upcoming elections unfold pragmatically and opportunistically. “That is an election that is just looking to win,” he said.

According to Haedar, the important thing to pay attention to is what is done after winning or being elected later. “We cannot possibly hand over the fate of 200 million more people to the elite who only come from winning,” he said.

He accepts that indeed in an election there must be a winner. However, he said, whoever wins does have the ability to be statesmanlike.

On the other hand, he requested that the election organizers, especially KPU and Bawaslu, could maintain a dignified electoral dignity. He does not want the upcoming election to be tinged with dominant fraud.

Meanwhile, Muhammadiyah General Secretary Abdul Mu'ti reminded of the importance of substantial values in democracy.

“Let our democracy not be a zombie democracy. A democracy that runs soulless,” Mu'ti said.

He wants the upcoming elections to be fair, fair, honest, and friendly. Mu'ti considers that political education for society is important once carried out by elements of the nation, such as civil society, ormas, and the media.

He invited the public to make the 2024 election a joyous political event. According to Mu'ti the joy of politics needs to be built up by all circles, including officials.

He wanted everyone to consider the post something ordinary. The fact is that people perceive the post as something very special. That way, Mu'ti is confident that Indonesian politics will go on cheerfully.

Mu'ti insists Elections should not be scary. If this can be implemented, Mu'ti claims the elections will be conducted fairly, fairly and honestly. Such an atmosphere is expected to materialize.

“It can be awakened if there is an atmosphere of friendship,” Mu'ti said in his Reflection on the End of Year 2023, at PP Muhammadiyah Building, Jakarta, Thursday (28/12/2023).

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