Jumat 12 Jun 2020 03:02 WIB

Indonesia Urges OIC to Unite Against Israeli Annexation

Foreign Minister Marsudi says Israeli move will destroy peace prospects in Palestine

Rep: Anadolu/ Red: Elba Damhuri
Indonesian Foreign Minister (Foreign Minister) Retno Marsudi in a virtual meeting of the Ministerial International Coordination Group for Covid / 19 (ICG) with five world foreign ministers discussing vaccines, Tuesday (9/6) night
Foto: dok. Kemenlu
Indonesian Foreign Minister (Foreign Minister) Retno Marsudi in a virtual meeting of the Ministerial International Coordination Group for Covid / 19 (ICG) with five world foreign ministers discussing vaccines, Tuesday (9/6) night

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia on Wednesday urged member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to unite and mobilize support against Israel's imminent annexation of Palestinian territories.

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi conveyed Indonesia’s stance during the Open-Ended Virtual Extraordinary Meeting of the OIC Executive Committee on Wednesday night.

She said any such move during the COVID-19 pandemic will double the pressure on Palestine, damage the peace process, and threaten regional stability.

She stressed the annexation, whether in a “de facto” or “formal” manner, is unacceptable and proposed three steps to mobilize support for Palestine.

“Firstly, if Israel carries on with the annexation, OIC countries with diplomatic relations with Israel should take diplomatic measures in accordance with various OIC resolutions,” said Marsudi.

Secondly, she said the OIC must raise international support against the Israeli annexation at international and multilateral forums, including the UN General Assembly, UN Security Council, and the Human Rights Council.

“Lastly, we must encourage the resumption of credible negotiations guided by internationally agreed parameters with the aim to achieve two-state solutions,” she added.

The foreign minister said Indonesia supports the two-state solution and believes it is the only way to keep the Palestinian-Israeli peace process alive and take it forward.


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