Jumat 30 Oct 2020 08:30 WIB

Passion is important to deliver great work: Gamal Albinsaid

Ideas are cheap. The important thing is we want to start from where we are.

Rep: Wahyu Suryana/ Red: Fernan Rahadi
Gamal Albinsaid
Foto: Republika/Wilda Fizriyani
Gamal Albinsaid

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA -- CEO of Indonesia Medika, Gamal Albinsaid, said that the development of passion is the most important in producing great works, especially for sociopreneurs. Amazing masterpieces are born when passion is worked out with patience.

"If you follow your passion, money, people, and impact will follow. Therefore, don't sacrifice your passion with rupiah or the influence of others," said Gamal when speaking at the 1st University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference (UMY Grace) 2020, Tuesday (27/10).

Gamal himself, for example, likes health innovation by developing new health-related products. This innovation is developed with a mindset on how to solve problems in the social environment.

Indonesia Medika is a waste cart insurance clinic whose idea arises from social unrest that comes from the problems of some people who do not have money so they do not have health insurance.

This innovation program includes community building, empowering waste communities, and rising health costs so that there is health access.  This is a mobilization of people without access to health opportunities.

He added that innovation activities for a social benefit are very important to be carried out by developing passion according to their respective abilities. Ideas are cheap. The important thing is we want to start from where we are.

"Using what we have and doing what we can. Therefore, developing this passion requires honesty, patience, and courage to try something we want to do," said Gamal.

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