Jumat 26 Mar 2021 11:54 WIB

Habib Rizieq Arrived at the Court, His Lawyers Disappointed

Habib Rizieq Shibab is undergoing a hearing on violation of health protocols.

Rep: Zainur Mahsir Ramadan/ Red: Elba Damhuri
Trial of Habib Rizieq Shihab: The entrance to the East Jakarta District Court (PN Jaktim), Friday (26/3), was closely guarded by the TNI-Polri apparatus. In the courtroom, Habib Rizieq Shibab is undergoing a hearing on violation of health protocols.
Foto: Republika/Zainur Mahsir Ramadhan
Trial of Habib Rizieq Shihab: The entrance to the East Jakarta District Court (PN Jaktim), Friday (26/3), was closely guarded by the TNI-Polri apparatus. In the courtroom, Habib Rizieq Shibab is undergoing a hearing on violation of health protocols.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,  JAKARTA - Indonesian Ulama Habib Rizieq Shihab attended the East Jakarta District Court, Friday (March 26) for his trial of health protocols ignorance. The East Jakarta District Court is closely guarded by police officers to anticipate any unwanted actions.

Today, Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS) continued to follow his trial to confirm cases of crowds who violated health protocols (prokes).

Dozens of people on behalf of Habib Rizieq's attorney, who wanted to accompany him in the courtroom, were refused by security officers to enter the courtroom.

One of HRS's attorneys, Muhammad Kamil Pasha, said that the prohibition should not be carried out by the East Jakarta District Court security unit or the police.

The reason is, whether the person is a lawyer or not, they should be allowed to accompany the client as a legal adviser.

Asked how many lawyers were detained, Kamil answered that there were dozens. Only senior lawyers, such as Sugito Atmo, may be present to accompany HRS apart from several others.

"Munarman happens to be unable to attend today," explained Kamil.

According to him, this was the first time during his time as a lawyer that the officers prevented him from entering. In fact, the reason for limiting lawyers that he claims is unacceptable.

Based on any law, according to Kamil, judges, police, and court officers cannot choose which lawyer can enter and others are rejected. He said, there is no legal basis that prohibits legal attorneys from entering the courtroom.

He said there was a clear impact his client would have. In particular, the limitation of the rights of clients or defendants in assisting the trial.

Habib Rizieq arrived at the East Jakarta District Court at around 08.35 WIB. On his arrival, he was closely guarded by the police while accompanied by shouts of takbir from his supporters around the East Jakarta District Court.

Habib Rizieq is back in Indonesia after living in Saudi Arabia for several years. When he returned to Jakarta, Habib Rizieq was greeted by thousands of members who did not apply health protocols.

Likewise, when Habib Rizieq paid a visit to Bogor, West Java, thousands of people welcomed him and ignored health protocols.


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