Senin 29 Mar 2021 04:22 WIB

BREAKING NEWS: Pertamina's Balongan Refinery Exploded

It is suspected that a lightning strike hit a vital part of the Balongan refinery

Rep: Agus Yulianto/ Red: Elba Damhuri
Pertamina's Balongan Refinery exploded this early morning
Foto: Agus Yulianto/Republika
Pertamina's Balongan Refinery exploded this early morning

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, INDRAMAYU - Pertamina Balongan oil refinery, Indramayu Regency, West Java, on Monday (29/3) at dawn, exploded and caught fire. The flames were seen soaring and were monitored from a distance. The sky in the Indramayu region turned bright red.

From the monitoring of, Monday at 01.30, dozens of fire engines were struggling to extinguish the flames. In addition, the road between Indramayu-Cirebon is temporarily closed.

There is no information regarding the cause of the fire at the largest refinery in Indonesia with a capacity of 125 thousand barrels per day. Related parties contacted have not yet responded to this disaster.

According to residents around the refinery, Ade, the fire broke out when heavy rains accompanied by the refinery hit the Indramayu area early Monday. "When there was lightning and thunder, there was also the sound of an explosion which soon appeared fire from inside the refinery," he said.

Apart from being a storage refinery, the RU VI Balongan refinery has the main business activity of processing crude oil into finished oil products in the form of BBM, BBK, Residue, Non-BBM, and Petrochemical. From the processing of these raw materials, the RU VI Balongan Refinery is able to produce products including gasoline, kerosene, industrial diesel fuel, propylene, LPG, decant oil and fuel oil. Most of the fuel supply is in the DKI Jakarta and surrounding areas as well as West Java.

The Balongan VI Refinery Unit recently increased its production capacity from 125 MBSD to 150 MBSD. From this refinery, it is also able to produce naptha for processing from 5.29 MBSD to 11.6 MBSD.

Read : Strategic Functions of Pertamina Balongan Oil Refinery

Located in Sukareja Village, Balongan District, Indramayu Regency, West Java or about 200 km east of the capital city of DKI Jakarta, the RU VI Balongan Refinery began operating since 1994 with an operating area in Balongan.

The raw materials processed at the Balongan Refinery are crude oil from oil wells in Duri Riau (80 percent of feed) and Minas Dumai (20 percent of feed), as well as raw materials in the form of natural gas obtained from the Jatibarang gas field of 18 million Metric Standard Cubic. Feet per Day (MMSCFD).


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