Rabu 31 Mar 2021 19:26 WIB

CVR Sriwijaya Air SJ 182 Found

Sriwijaya Air SJ 182 crashed in the waters of the Thousand Islands Jakarta

Rep: Rahayu Subekti/ Red: Elba Damhuri
CVR Sriwijaya SJ 182 was found
Foto: Dok Republika
CVR Sriwijaya SJ 182 was found

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) confirmed that it had found the Sriwijaya Air cockpit voice recorder (CVR) registration number PK-CLC last night (30/3).

The plane with flight number SJ-182 on the Jakarta-Pontianak route crashed in the waters of the Thousand Islands, Jakarta Province, on January 9, 2021. All passengers and crews were dead.

"CVR was found on March 30, 2021 at 20.05 WIB," said NTSC Investigator Ony Soerjo Wibowo to Republika.co.id, Wednesday (31/3).

Ony explained that the CVR was discovered by the dredging method or mud dredging. He said the effort was carried out on the TSHD King Arthur 8. The discovery of CVR in the area around coordinates 5 57 51 South Latitude and 106 34 31 East Longitude.

The plane carrying 56 passengers took off from Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Jakarta at 14:36 ​​WIB to Supadio Airport on January 9, 2021. The flight data recorder (FDR) of the Boeing 737-500 type aircraft last recorded at 14:40 WIB past 10 seconds.

Crash Survivable Memory Unit or CSMU (which is in the CVR) is in good condition and possibly can be downloaded.

Ony Soerjo Wibowo said that basically the plane's black box already has a strong design. That way, according to Ony, the black box design can protect CVR and FDR in the event of a collision.

Ony said the CVR was stored in the rear cargo section of the plane. "When the position fell, CVR to get out of the plane must pass through some material," said Ony.

The process of searching for the CVR of the aircraft has been carried out since January 24, 2021 at the post which was established on Pulau Lancang, Thousand Islands, Jakarta Province.

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