Sabtu 24 Apr 2021 12:05 WIB

Indonesia Sets to Reach Net Zero Emission

Every party ratifying the Paris Agreement must submit NDC.

Red: Satya Festyiani
 Plt Direktur Jenderal Planologi Kehutanan dan Tata Lingkungan (PKTL) KLHK Ruandha A Sugardiman, pada Media Briefing di Jakarta, Senin (22/3). Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) menetapkan Peta Indikatif Penghentian Pemberian Perizinan Berusaha, Persetujuan Penggunaan Kawasan Hutan, atau Persetujuan Perubahan Peruntukan Kawasan Hutan Baru pada Hutan Alam Primer dan Lahan Gambut Tahun 2021 Periode I (PIPPIB), seluas 66.182.094 hektare (ha).
Foto: KLHK
Plt Direktur Jenderal Planologi Kehutanan dan Tata Lingkungan (PKTL) KLHK Ruandha A Sugardiman, pada Media Briefing di Jakarta, Senin (22/3). Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) menetapkan Peta Indikatif Penghentian Pemberian Perizinan Berusaha, Persetujuan Penggunaan Kawasan Hutan, atau Persetujuan Perubahan Peruntukan Kawasan Hutan Baru pada Hutan Alam Primer dan Lahan Gambut Tahun 2021 Periode I (PIPPIB), seluas 66.182.094 hektare (ha).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Indonesia’s commitment on controlling global climate change is reflecting in its participation for Paris Agreement. It has been ratified into Laws Number 16/2016. Every party ratifying the Paris Agreement must submit Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) containing their target reduce global greenhouse gas emissions until 2030.

Director General of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ruandha Agung Sugardiman, said on Friday (19/3) that Indonesia targeted to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 29 percent independently, and 41 percent with international assistance. There are five sectors in the NDC that support the move. They are energy, waste, industrial processes and production use (IPPU), agriculture, and forestry.

Ruandha explained that the ministry had finished the updated Indonesian NDC. There are four main points in the updated NDC. First, Indonesia maintains the target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 29 percent to 41 percent in 2030, which is in line with the elaboration cited on Road Map NDC Mitigation.