Ahad 25 Apr 2021 22:58 WIB

More Climate Village to be Built

Climate village is a realization of climate change countermeasure.

Menteri LHK, Siti Nurbaya mengunjungi Kampung Ikim di Karawaci Tangerang dan di Sunter, Jakarta Utara, Kamis (18/3). Dalam kunjungan kerja ini Menteri Siti mengatakan jika program kampung iklim merupakan program nyata penanggulangan perubahan iklim yang akan terus diupayakan dapat direplikasi diberbagai tempat di seluruh Indonesia sebagai upaya bersama masyarakat turut serta melakukan pengendalian perubahan iklim.
Foto: KLHK
Menteri LHK, Siti Nurbaya mengunjungi Kampung Ikim di Karawaci Tangerang dan di Sunter, Jakarta Utara, Kamis (18/3). Dalam kunjungan kerja ini Menteri Siti mengatakan jika program kampung iklim merupakan program nyata penanggulangan perubahan iklim yang akan terus diupayakan dapat direplikasi diberbagai tempat di seluruh Indonesia sebagai upaya bersama masyarakat turut serta melakukan pengendalian perubahan iklim.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, visited climate village in Kawaraci, Tangerang, and in Sunter, North Jakarta, on Thursday (18/3). During the visit, Minister Siti mentioned that climate village is a realization of climate change countermeasure that will be replicated in many places in Indonesia. 

“The concept of Climate Village (Proklim) is to do environmental friendly lifestyle together,” Minister Siti said during the visit.

Environmental friendly lifestyle, Minister Siti said, can be in many forms. It is so close to our life, such as how we manage waste, how we use water, and so on. People have to make it as a lifestyle so that the countermeasure of climate change can come to a realization.

It is in line with President Jokowi instruction that every government program must be seen in real form.

This Proklim has been carried out in almost 3.000 villages in Indonesia. Minister Siti hopes the program can be replicated in 10.000-20.000 villages in Indonesia.

“I think that one third of all villages in Indonesia, which are more than 80.000, must understand this environmental friendly lifestyle because it is important,” she said.

One that is also important, she said, is that climate village should be connected to each other because every village is unique. By networking, every village can exchange information and learn from one another.

Minister Siti’s visit to Tangerang was located in Integrated Waste Management (TPST) Benua Hijau in RW 07 Benua Indah, Karawaci, Tangerang. In Sunter, Minister Siti visited RW 01 Sunter Jaya, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, which will become a pilot project of climate village.

Climate village (Proklim) is a national program managed by Ministry of Environment and Forestry to enhance the Indonesian society’s understanding of climate change and its impacts, and thus encourage real action to strengthen community resilience and promote a low carbon emissions lifestyle. It aims at disseminating and exchanging information and best practices on climate change adaptation and mitigation action, improving local adaptive capacities and the involvement of society and other stakeholders.

The implementation is based on Regulation of Minister of Environment and Forestry Number 84/2016 on Climate Village Program. Proklim can be developed in the lowest administrative area, such as dusun or RW, to the highest, such as village or kelurahan.

During her visit, Minister Siti was accompanied by Mayor of Tangerang, Arief F Wismansyah, and Mayor of North Jakarta, Ali Maulana Hakim.

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