Ahad 09 May 2021 23:15 WIB

Indonesia joins Adaptation Action Coalition

For Indonesia, adaptation and mitigation efforts are inseparable.

 Wakil Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, Alue Dohong, ketika menjadi panelis pada peluncuran Adaptation Action Coalition on Water Workstream yang diselenggarakan secara virtual pada Selasa (4/5) dan merupakan satellite event dari Petersberg Climate Dialogue 2021.
Foto: KLHK
Wakil Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, Alue Dohong, ketika menjadi panelis pada peluncuran Adaptation Action Coalition on Water Workstream yang diselenggarakan secara virtual pada Selasa (4/5) dan merupakan satellite event dari Petersberg Climate Dialogue 2021.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Climate change is a big challenge for economy, life, to livelihood as it affects food production and distribution, water, energy, and health. Seeing the condition, Indonesia has set an ambitious target for adaptive measures in both renewed NDC document, as well as in Long-term Strategy for Low Carbon and Climate-resilient Development 2050. The statement was delivered by Vice Minister of Environment and Forestry, Alue Dohong, during the virtual launch of Adaptation Action Coalition on Water Workstream on Tuesday (4/5). It was a part of satellite event from Petersberg Climate Dialogue 2021.

Vice Minister Alue Dohong stated that for Indonesia, adaptation and mitigation are inseparable because both are completing each other. The bigger the mitigation efforts, the least impact that should be adapted, and the least risk must be managed. “Out adaptive target is to decrease risk and vulnerability, as well as increasing capacity and adaptive endurance in all sectors and development areas,” the Vice Minister Alue said.


Related to the theme of water, the vice minister emphasized that water is one of the country’s priority in building adaptive capacity and endurance towards natural disaster and climate change. In Indonesia, the loss of water resources due to disturbances in water balance is around 0.33 to 0.43 percent of national GDP.


Indonesia is developing the management of river basin area namely “Integrated River Basin Area Management”, through one of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) main program: (i) strengthening management planning of river basin area that consider vulnerability, risks, and climate impact; (ii) developing policies and instruments to calculate the endurance of river basin area; and (iii) increasing cross sectoral synergy and area through the implementation of upstream and downstream approach that is integrated with forest rehabilitation and restoration.


Other efforts include integration of river basin area management into regional spatial planning, restoration of housing and water resources management, and development of climate-resilient infrastructure. It shows the importance of synergy between ministries and related institutions on managing cross sectoral problems, including knowledge management and people’s involvement on local climate action.


Vice Minister Alue gave an example of how Water Resources Long Term Strategy of Ministry of Public Works and Housing include Sustainable Management of Groundwater and Raw Water, Development of Multiuse Reservoir and Modernized Irrigation, Development of risk management and climate-resilient infrastructure for responding to climate change. From 2015-2018, several dam, reservoirs, and lakes have been built, rehabilitated, or revitalized. Moreover, Ministry of Agriculture has built several water conservation infrastructures in relation to climate anomaly in 32 provinces in 2019.


“Climate Village Program (PROKLIM) that has been implemented in more than 3,000 villages will be increased to 20,000 by 2024. It is an example of people’s participation in water resilience action,” Vice Minister Alue said while pointing how Indonesia gave a real example of action and commitment.


At the end of his statement, Vice Minister Alue Dohong said that to reach the goal of global adaptation, Indonesia hopes to cooperate with global community on strengthening capacity and capability of climate resilience in every scale and level. Therefore, Indonesia fully support and join the Adaptation Action Coalition.


The event was opened by a speech from Alok Sharma, COP26 President Designate and moderated by Mark Smith from International Water Management Institute.


Beside Vice Minister of Environment and Forestry Alue Dohong, other participating ministers or vice ministers are Nancy Tembo, Minister of Forestry and Natural Resources Malawi, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources of Egypt, Haydee Rodriguez-Romero, Vice Minister for Water and the Ocean of Costa Rica dan Roald Laperre, Vice Minister for the Environment and International Affairs of Netherlands. The panel discussion was closed by a conclusion from Lord Zac Goldsmith, Minister of State Department of Environment, Food & Agriculture & FCDO, United Kingdom.

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