Selasa 08 Jun 2021 21:25 WIB

Ecosystem restoration restores degraded area

Ecosystem restoration is to bring back the ecosystem of degraded forest.

Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya
Foto: Prayogi/Republika.
Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya stated that ecosystem restoration from 2015 to 2021 has successfully restored degraded area around 4.69 million hectare based on the theme of World Environment Day 2021.


“The ecosystem restoration has been conducted by government and all of our citizens from 2015 to 2021. Today, more than 4.69-million-hectare area has been restored, including peatland and mangrove,” Minister of LHK Siti said during the ceremony of World Environment Day 2021 on Saturday (5/6).


The action is in accordance with the theme of World Environment Day 2021, which is “Ecosystem Restoration”. Minister Siti highlighted that Indonesia has a spirit to manage environment which covers restoration and rehabilitation of forest as an effort to tackle climate change crisis. Indonesia also ensures that conservation management and biodiversity should be sustainable and become a part of national economic recovery.


Minister Siti explained that ecosystem restoration is conducted to boost ecosystem productivity of degraded area and forest. Ecosystem restoration is also through business permits of utilizing wood production. For example, the management of logged forest.


“Ecosystem restoration is to bring back the ecosystem of degraded forest after being managed by selective cutting system in Indonesia, into the closest as possible to the first condition before being exploited,” she said.


The change in the paradigm of forest management also comes from wood generating oriented to ecosystem based forest management. Based on the data from the ministry, there are 16 unit of ecosystem restoration management in forest production. The area is around 622,861 hectares. The unit is found in every ecosystem.

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