Selasa 17 Oct 2023 13:56 WIB

The Vice President Calls on Indonesian People to Pray for Palestine

The Vice President of Indonesia pray for peace in Palestine.

Rep: Fauziah Mursid/ Red: Hasanul Rizqa
Vice President Maruf Amin.
Vice President Maruf Amin.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President of Indonesia KH Ma'ruf Amin strongly condemned the recently intensified Israel's attacks on Palestinians. These blind attacks by Israeli forces have killed and wounded thousands of Palestinians.

“We all over the world condemn the Israeli attack on Palestinians because it disturbs peace and tranquility,” Ma'ruf said in a statement quoted on Monday (16/10/2023).

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Ma'ruf called on all Indonesian people to pray for the Palestinians. He also hopes that Muslims can help calm the situation in order to achieve peace.

“We pray that hopefully our Muslim friends in Palestine will be empowered by Allah,” Ma'ruf added.

The Vice President also affirmed that maintaining the peace and tranquility of the world is part of safeguarding the faith. Without peace, there will not be serenity in this world.

“Maintaining security and peace (is essential) because without peace this world will not calm down, and there will be no tranquility. As now we see, there is still war. For example, the Russo-Ukrainian war. The impact is tremendous, globally disrupted, energy crises and others,” he said.

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