Rabu 25 Oct 2023 05:34 WIB

Indonesian Red Crescent Delivers Meals and Medicines to Gaza

This basic food assistance would be distributed to the Beit Hanoun area.

The Indonesian Red Crescent (BSMI) has distributed phase I and phase II aid to Gaza, Palestine.
Foto: Dok BSMI
The Indonesian Red Crescent (BSMI) has distributed phase I and phase II aid to Gaza, Palestine.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Red Crescent (BSMI) has distributed phase I and phase II aid to Palestine in the form of medicines and ready-to-eat meals. Chairman General of BSMI Muhammad Djazuli Ambari said that, in phase I aid, BSMI channeled the aid of medicines provided to Jabalia Medical Center in Palestine. At the site of this medical center, at least 190 patients who were victims of Israeli aggression were treated.

“In this crucial phase, the people of Gaza need the support of medicines and ready-to-eat meals. Therefore, in response to the urgent need of the people of Gaza, we send medicine and ready food aid in stages 1 and 2,” Djazuli said in a statement on Monday (23/10/2024).

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The food aid was also channelled to the Beit Hanoun region with 348 beneficiaries. Access to food and drink is really needed by the people of Gaza who were forced to migrate to the southern territories by Israeli aggressors.

“After being blockaded and forced to relocate to the South by Israel, Gazans rely heavily on the support of their fellow citizens for daily necessities including food and access to clean water. Thank God that before the aggression, BSMI and Waqf Salman have created several clean water wells that the people of Gaza can utilize,” Djazuli said.

Djazuli urged the international community to support humanitarian aid by calling Egypt's government to open the Rafah border gate. Because of the blockade, the stockpile of aid that should be delivered to Gaza will continue to deplete.

“We urge the international community to send assistance by opening the Rafah gates in the name of humanity. The Indonesian government can be active to jointly voice the international humanitarian call through Egypt. BSMI is ready to participate,” Djazuli added.

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