Kamis 02 Nov 2023 08:23 WIB

Vice President: Beware of Terrorism Before Elections

Vice President reminds to be wary of acts of terrorism ahead of 2024 elections.

Rep: Fauziah Mursid/ Red: Fitriyan Zamzami
Illustration of Terrorism. The Vice President reminded to be wary of acts of terrorism ahead of 2024 elections.
Foto: Republika/Mardiah
Illustration of Terrorism. The Vice President reminded to be wary of acts of terrorism ahead of 2024 elections.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin reminded security forces to be wary of acts of terrorism ahead of the 2024 general elections. This was stated by Ma'ruf regarding the move of Densus 88 Antiterror Police, which has arrested 40 people from the Ansharut Daulah Jamaah (JAD) group who allegedly wanted to launch terror acts to disrupt the election.

“I have often asked that the security parties be aware of anything that could disrupt the course of the general election. Including terrorists or other groups and as said earlier,” Ma'ruf said in his statement on Wednesday (1/11/2023).

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Therefore, Ma'ruf requested that a mapping be carried out regarding the possible vulnerabilities during the Election. “Including those mapped yes challenges challenges include vulnerable areas, including things that could be disruptive,” he said.

Indonesian Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo made sure Densus 88 continued to monitor the movements of terrorist network groups. This effort was to prevent this group from waging its action.

“Yesterday we secured 59 people and today we will continue to develop related to their movements, which are also related to the global situation and then they take preparatory steps, so that we prevent any events, until we arrest them,” Listyo said.

In addition, Listyo has also ordered his ranks to increase surveillance throughout the region. Specifically, making sure terrorist groups don't spring into action during the Election.

“So we have ordered the head of the Densus 88 to monitor the entire region, as soon as there are signs in particular that will interfere with the election stage, then measures on the ground are immediately carried out,” he said.

Previously, Densus 88 spokesperson Aswin Siregar confirmed that there had been arrests of suspected terrorists on Friday (27/10/2023). Aswin said there were 27 suspected terrorists arrested jointly in three regions, namely Jakarta, West Java and Central Sulawesi (Sulteng). Aswin did not give details of the arrests. But he promised to release the arrest in Mabes Police. 

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