Kamis 02 Nov 2023 20:57 WIB

Presidential Candidates to Debate Environmental Issues

The presidential debate would be held thrice.

Rep: Febryan A/ Red: Fitriyan Zamzami
Mime artist Wanggi Hoed performs at the Global Climate Strike 2023 action, at Cikapayang Park, Jalan Ir H Djuanda, Bandung City, Sunday (17/9/2023).
Foto: Edi Yusuf/Republika
Mime artist Wanggi Hoed performs at the Global Climate Strike 2023 action, at Cikapayang Park, Jalan Ir H Djuanda, Bandung City, Sunday (17/9/2023).

JAKARTA — Commissioner of the Election Commission (KPU) of RI Mochammad Afifuddin stated that environmental issues will most likely be one of the themes in the debate of candidates for the presidential election and vice president of the 2024 presidential election. This was stated by Afif in a public seminar held by CSIS in Jakarta, Thursday (2/11/2023).

“We haven't made a decision yet, but 99.99 percent of environmental issues will be one of the issues that are prioritized as a topic in one of the themes of the debate,” Afif said.

He explained that when the Commission has set environmental issues as one of the topics of debate, the expert team will formulate environmental issues. The issue will be raised during the debate so that the candidates can express their ideas about the environment.

On that occasion, Afif denied the disinformation spread on social media that there will be no presidential and vice presidential debates in the 2024 presidential election. He reiterated that the Commission must hold the debate because it has been mandated by the Election Law.