Rabu 22 Nov 2023 15:25 WIB

Hasyim Asyari Struggle for Palestine

Hasyim Asyari raises funds from Ummah for Palestine up to 600 guilders.

Rep: Muhyiddin/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
The picture of Hasyim Asyari
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Anis Efizudin
The picture of Hasyim Asyari

REPUBLICA.CO.ID, SLEMAN -- Historian Aguk Irawan reveals the struggles of KH Hasyim Asy'ari in consolidating the power of Indonesian Muslims to support the struggle of the Palestinian People.

“KH Hasyim invites Muslims to collect funds provided to the Palestinian People through Palestine Fons and Rajabiyah Assembly, starting on the 19th of Ramadan 1356 AH or November 23, 1937,” Aguk said in a press release received by Republika.co.id on Monday (6/11/2023).

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This was stated by Aguk in a study entitled “Knowing the Figure of Hadratussyekh KH Hasyim Asy'ari, Uniting the Muslims of Indonesia” in Ponpes Minggir, Sleman, on Saturday (4/11/2023). PP caretaker Baitul Klimah continued, Hasyim did it by organizing dozens of Islamic organizations in Indonesia.

“As a result, at that time about 600,000 guilders were successfully collected and sent to Palestine for the struggle of Muslims there,” Aguk said.

Aguk Irawan also revealed the strategic move of KH Hasyim Asy'ari who also cleverly read the opportunities born of the world conflict (namely World War II and in Asia known as the Greater East Asia War or the Pacific War) to extricate Indonesia from the Dutch colony.

A number of strategic and tactical steps were taken by KH Hasyim Asya'ari to end the colonization in Indonesia, including by issuing the Jihad Resolution 22 October 1945 decreed by Mbah Hashim (NU) supported by all Islamic community organizations outside NU.

“Then it is true that Hadratussyeikh KH Hasyim Asy'ari is called the initiator of Indonesian independence and unifying Muslims,” Aguk said.

The Hadratussyeikh KH Hasyim Asy'ari study initiated by Tebu Ireng Jombang Pesantren, Minggir Sleman Pesantren, and Swara NU Podcast was attended by about 100 participants, more than expected.

The participants, initially expected only among NU students and young people, also exceeded expectations. Some of the participants were mothers and fathers aged about 50 years. They were enthusiastic about attending from the beginning to follow the study.

The participants who participate in the activities online are also no less numerous. Thousands of participants followed the study online through the Gus Muwafiq Channel Youtube account. Moderator Jannur Hayya also gave the opportunity and read questions from participants online to the speakers.

The chairman of the committee Nurul Fatchiati admitted to being very happy with the success of the event. “We are very happy with this activity. Such research activities are important to carry out, so that the figure of Hasyim Ash'ari inspires more people, especially the younger generation, to perform Islamic proclamations and fight for humanity,” Nurul Fatchiat said.

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