Rabu 29 Nov 2023 07:45 WIB

Sri Mulyani: Indonesia's Digital Economy Surges Significantly

The value of Indonesia's digital economy is estimated at USD 82 billion.

Rep: Novita Intan/ Red: Fitriyan Zamzami
Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati.
Foto: AP Photo/Tatan Syuflana
Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government says the rapid development of digital technology can facilitate access to information and transactions in everyday life. This can be seen from online shopping transactions through e-commerce getting higher, even supporting the growth of Indonesia's digital economy.

“The digital economy that has been presented by Mr. Budi Arie (Menkominfo) will indeed be exponential in terms of the value to be created and its opportunities. We see that the increase will be very sharp,” Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said during the Indonesia Digital Summit 2023, Tuesday (28/11/2023).

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It is noted that the value of Indonesia's digital economy is expected to reach 82 billion US dollars or about Rp 1,262.8 trillion in (exchange rate of Rp 15,400 per US dollar) in 2023. In addition, Indonesia is still developing a digital economy in Southeast Asia in 2023. Since 2021, Indonesia's digital economy has continued to grow quite significantly. In 2022 it reached 76 billion US dollars or up 20 percent from 2021 with a value of 63 billion US dollars.

Then, Indonesia's digital economy is projected to be 82 billion US dollars by 2023, or to grow 8 percent from 2022. Further by 2025 it is predicted to increase to 109 billion US dollars and by 2030 to 360 billion US dollars.

Looking at the e-commerce sector, it is estimated at 62 billion US dollars by 2023. The achievement contributes 75.6 percent to Indonesia's digital economy, which stands at 82 billion U.S. dollars this year, or 7 percent up from 58 billion U.S. dollars in 2022 and a projected 82 billion U.S. dollars in 2025.

In addition to e-commerce, other sectors that contribute to Indonesia's digital economy are transportation and online food delivery. The taxi and online shopping sector is projected to have a value of USD 7 billion by 2023.

However, in the future, digital technology can also create new jobs while also eliminating old ones. Therefore, every workforce urgently needs to learn new skills in order to keep pace with digitalization.

“Training, re-training is a golden thing. The Pre-Job Card is one of our breakthrough forms of bridging. It's definitely not perfect, but it's something we're confident that there will be disruptions in the labor market,” she said.

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