Rabu 29 Nov 2023 19:12 WIB

Raising the Flag of Israel Inconstitutional

Indonesia has no diplomatic relations with Israel.

Rep: Fuji E Permana/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Bogor Raya Bela Palestina mobs trampled and burned Israeli flags on Wednesday (25/10/2023) in Tugu Kujang, Bogor City.
Foto: Republika/ Shabrina Zakaria
Bogor Raya Bela Palestina mobs trampled and burned Israeli flags on Wednesday (25/10/2023) in Tugu Kujang, Bogor City.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- There are still Indonesians raising the Israeli flag, as happened in Bitung City, North Sulawesi a few days ago. In fact, there was a clash between the Palestinian militant group and the Israeli flag-carrying mob, resulting in casualties, and then security forces arrested the suspected perpetrators, resulting in casualties.

Deputy Secretary General (Wasekjen) of the Indonesian Ulema Assembly (MUI) KH Ikhsan Abdullah explained that those who fly the Israeli flag are unlawful and violate the constitution.

Baca Juga

“(Raising the Israeli flag) is illegal, it violates the constitution,” Kiai Ikhsan told Republika after the Peacemaker Forum 2023 Talkshow of Palestinian Solidarity Month (BSP) 2023 in the framework of the International Day of Solidarity for Palestine at the University of Indonesia (UI) Salemba Campus, Wednesday (29/11/2023)

Kiai Ikhsan explained that haram is Arabic, in Indonesian it can be interpreted as not to be or to violate. In this regard, the Indonesian constitution clearly affirms that Indonesia rejects colonization of any kind, and rejects state oppression of other countries.

“So it is very clear that those who are flying the Israeli flag in Indonesia are clearly in violation, they should be made aware because their actions are unlawful,” Kiai Ikhsan said.

At the same place, Chairman of the Graduate Study Program (Prodi) of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (KTTI) of the University of Indonesia (UI), Yon Machmudi said, Indonesia has the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Permenlu) Regulation No. 3 of 2019 on Foreign Relations By Local Governments. In Permenlu it is forbidden or does not allow the flying of the Israeli flag. 

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