Selasa 05 Dec 2023 08:33 WIB

'Energy Transition Should Not Harm People'

There are several strategic projects in the energy sector that will be the focus of SOE performance next year.

Rep: Intan Pratiwi, Muhammad Nursyamsi/ Red: Fitriyan Zamzami
Technician checking solar panels on the Floating Solar Power Plant project at Cirata Reservoir, Purwakarta Regency, West Java, Tuesday (26/9/2023).
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Technician checking solar panels on the Floating Solar Power Plant project at Cirata Reservoir, Purwakarta Regency, West Java, Tuesday (26/9/2023).

JAKARTA -- SOE Minister Erick Thohir said Indonesia is committed to an energy transition. Nevertheless, the energy transition is being implemented in a measured manner to ensure that the program does not harm society.

Erick said Indonesia set a target for Indonesia's energy transition until 2060. At the COP 28 agenda in Dubai last week, Erick stressed Indonesia's commitment to the global. “At COP 28 yesterday we reaffirmed our commitment in the energy transition until 2060,” Erick said in Commission VI of the Parliament of the Republic of Indonesia on Monday (4/12/2023).

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Erick said Indonesia did set a target 10 years later than other countries completing the energy transition by 2050. However, according to Erick, there are community interests and industrial growth that must be safeguarded. “They, other countries can install faster because they've done it earlier. We're still making the energy transition by maintaining our competitiveness,” Erick said.

He stressed that the energy transition process in Indonesia needs to be done gradually so that the domestic industry can stay afloat and not have to pay more for electricity. “We don't want our energy transition to have an impact on the competitiveness of our industry. We don't want industry to also have to pay more for electricity so that it hinders it to grow,” Erick said.