Selasa 05 Dec 2023 21:12 WIB

The Story of Spy Relating to Khandaq War

Hudzaifah became spy supplied information to prophet Muhammad.

Rep: Muhyiddin/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Story relating to Prophet Muhammad
Foto: Dok Republika
Story relating to Prophet Muhammad

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- This companion of the prophet has some privileges. He is intelligent, meticulous, has a strong memory, and is clever at keeping secrets. In Islamic history, he was known as the intelligence or spy of the Messenger of Allah.

His name is Hudzaifah bin Yaman. He gained the trust of the Prophet to frame the plans of the infidels and hypocrites, especially in the Khandaq War (Trench War), which took place in the year 5 Hijri or 627 AD.

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It is narrated that in the Khandaq War, Hudzaifah successfully carried out his duties as a spy. In the middle of the night, he infiltrated the tents of the Quraysh infidels to find out their plans.

Reported from the Ganaislamika, rather than being referred to as an open war, this Khadaq war is more properly referred to as a war of trickery. The number of casualties on both sides was low, six from Muslim forces and ten from allied forces.