Sabtu 09 Dec 2023 12:32 WIB

Welcome Ramadan, DMI Motivate Muslim to Preserve Mosques Cleanliness

There will be at least 50,000 mosques in Indonesia to be cleaned.

Rep: Imas Damayanti/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Foto: Antara/Ari Bowo Sucipto

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) is making various preparations ahead of Ramadan, which will arrive in a few months. One of them is to build a collaboration to clean up mosques.

Jusuf Kalla, General Manager of the DMI Center, said that every Muslim prays the first thing to do is ablution to cleanse themselves. However, it does not stop there, he said, even the place of prayer must be clean.

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“It means the duty of all of us as a worship charity to continue to safeguard its goodness and sustainability. Especially in these circumstances, where health should be taken care of in the best possible way,” JK said in a release received by Republika on Friday (8/12/2023).

He explained that mosques are places of prostration or worship. So that if he is physically unclean, in addition to his worship giving less meaning, there will also be a health impact. Moreover, the people of Indonesia and the world have already experienced the Covid-19 Pandemic, which requires people to constantly adapt to a healthy and clean lifestyle.

For this reason, DMI together with Unilever Indonesia, through Wipol and Sunlight strengthened cooperation through the Clean Mosque Movement program. Through the signing of a new memorandum of understanding (MoU), the two sides will again collaborate in the Clean Mosque Movement 2024 to promote the creation of cleanliness, hygiene, and prosperity.

There will be at least 50,000 mosques in various parts of Indonesia, mainly in preparation for the upcoming holy month of Ramadan, which is the focus of physical cleansing.

As is known, implemented since 2017, the Clean Mosque Movement is a sustainable social initiative to encourage the creation of clean and comfortable mosques for Muslims throughout Indonesia.

Until now, supported by more than 150 thousand volunteers, as many as 175 thousand mosques in various parts of Indonesia have received positive benefits from this program.

Head of Home & Hygiene Unilever Indonesia Anggya Kumala appreciated the collaboration that has been established with DMI since 2017 through the Clean Mosque Movement program. Looking at the positive impact and benefits that have been felt from the program, he said, then the beneficiaries will be expanded.

“God willing, the number of mosques receiving benefits will be expanded, with a target of reaching 50,000 mosques in various parts of Indonesia,” he said.

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