Senin 11 Dec 2023 19:16 WIB

Baznas Sentripreneur Training Empowers Student of Pesantren to be Enterpreneur

This first stage of santripreneur training was attended by 98 people

The Association of Zakat Management Organizations (POROZ) together with the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) organized a joint synergy program, Centripreneur training
Foto: istimewa
The Association of Zakat Management Organizations (POROZ) together with the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) organized a joint synergy program, Centripreneur training

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA --The Association of Zakat Management Organizations (POROZ) together with the National Board of Zakat (BAZNAS) organizes a joint synergy program, training of Santripreneur in an effort to empower the independence of students in entrepreneurship. The training of the Santripreneur program was conducted online via zoom meeting, Monday (11/12).

Present at the event were Director of Education of BAZNAS Eka Budi Sulistyo, Chairman of POROZ Bukhori Muslim, and Executive Director of POROZ Amin Sudarsono. In his speech Bukhori Muslim emphasized that this Santripreneur program is held for the santri in order to be entrepreneurial.

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“POROZ and BAZNAS have this Centripreneur program to empower the people, for those who have the effort to develop and be good,” Bukhori Muslim said in his speech.

Meanwhile, BAZNAS Director of Education Eka Budi Sulistyo said that the assistance from the Santripreneur program should be properly and properly utilized by the participants. Because, the aid provided is the proceeds of zakat funds.

The Executive Director of POROZ, Amin Sudarsono, stressed that the program is a valuable opportunity for the participants who have been selected. Moreover, there will be mentoring and evaluation of business development


According to Amin, in addition to the self-sufficiency of the santri, the program is a form of synergy of the population.

“Participants will be ambassadors of POROZ, where they will have to sowan to the Ministry of Commerce, Baznas, and all Islamic Ormas in their respective regions in between their efforts,” Amin said.

Training on the Santripreneur program includes four materials. Starting from the Motivation Training materials Developing the Soul of Entrepreneurship, Digital Marketing, Cavas Business Model, and Financial Literacy.

This first stage of santripreneur training was followed by 98 people coming from LAZ Ormas Islam recommendation. The distribution of participants came from Java, Sulawesi, Aceh, Borneo and Maluku. Later, POROZ will reconvene the centripreneur program of the second stage in the form of a competition.

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