Selasa 12 Dec 2023 19:58 WIB

Remembering Death

Remembering death makes you always strive to be close to God.

Rep: (suara muhammadiyah)/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Didik Suhartono
Illustration of praying for the death.

عَنْ أَبِيْ أُمَامَةَ أَالبَا هِلِي قَالَ قَالَ رَسُوْلُ اللّهِ صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمِ : الْقُلُوْبُ لَتَصْدَأُ كَمَا يَصْدَأُ الحَدِيْدُ  قِيْلَ يَا رَسُوْلُ اللّهِ وَمَا جَلاَؤُهَا؟ قَالَ قِرَاءَةُ الْقُرْأَنِ وَذِكْرُ الْمَوْتِ (رواه مسلم)

It means: “From Abi Umamah Al-Bahili R.A. He said: “The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “All hearts are rusty like rusty iron”. It says: “O Messenger of Allah, what is the cleaner? The Prophet replied: “Read the Qur'an and remember death. “(HR Muslim)

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That hadith requires a religious scientific analysis from scholars and intellectuals. Because talking about the heart means talking about moral/mental issues that concern and determine the good and bad of human behavior.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) confirmed: “Remember, there is a lump of blood in the body. When he's good, well the whole body. And when he is broken, the whole body is damaged. Remember, that he is the heart. (Bukhari and Muslims)

In the Qur'an of more than one hundred and ten verses, Allah mentions and explains the essential matters of the heart for our attention, including the following:

The heart of a sick person becomes a soft target from the devil until it becomes a rough/hard heart (see Q.S. Al-Haj: 53). A diseased heart that has not been treated by God will add to the other diseases more and more. (see Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 10).

The heart that rejects the truth and insults others is sealed by God cannot receive guidance (see Q.S. al-Mu'minin: 35). The person who does not want to listen (think, learn, and learn) to the Qur'an has his heart locked (see Q.S. Muhammad: 24). The heart of the infidels is in error (see Q.S. Mu'minin: 63). The hearts of those who do not believe and doubt the truth are constantly confused (see Q.S. At-Taubah: 45).

The sense of mocking/mocking and ignoring Islam is found in the hearts of those who are sinful or infidels (see Q.S. Al Hijr: 11 and 12). People who do not understand religion, do not think and are hostile to Islam, are born united, but in fact their hearts are divided and hostile between them (see Q.S. Al-Hasyr: 14). The hearts of the faithful tremble in fear of Allah, when His name is mentioned (see Q.S. Al-Anfal: 2).

Allah guides the hearts of the faithful (see Q.S. At-Taghabun: 11). Those who always remember Allah have a firm heart (see Q.S. ar-Ra'd: 28). Those who glorify the Shi'ar religion of Allah (fight for it) are the sign of their hearts (see Q.S. Al-Haj: 32). According to the hadith, the Messenger of Allah affirms that Allah always sees the heart of man and his charity (H.R. Muslim of Abu Hurairah).

And among the prayers most read by the Messenger of Allah is: “O Dzat! Keep my heart in the embrace of your religion.” (H.R. Tirmidzi). If something of iron has rusted, it is dirty and becomes brittle for a long time, its fragility is harmful to one's body when it is injured. It even caused his death, due to contracting tetanus disease. Likewise the fragility of one's heart. A person whose heart is rusty, means dirty and subsequently becomes fragile. Whereas any fragility of heart is difficult and may not be able to accept the sanctity of Islamic teachings in pure and complete form. The fragility of the heart jeopardizes the purity of the tenets of Islam.

The brief analysis is as follows:

First, Aqidah: teachings related to belief, especially aqidah tawhid. This teaching is the most important and fundamental in Islam. He becomes the source of spiritual power and determines human behavior as a manifestation in the demonstration/practice of other doctrines. But for fragile hearts. His Aqida became dirty and corrupted. That is what is called the erosion of aqidah. As a result, shirk, khurafat, superstition, mysticism, worship of inanimate objects arose until it was believed and considered that he could save or harm. Like planting a buffalo head when going to build a building, and so on. Further to the erosion of the aqidah is submission to a person, loss of sense of responsibility and inability to do good under any circumstances.

In the context of aqidah, we see behavior as a result of the erosion of aqidah afflicting some Indonesian Muslims. Oddly enough they don't/haven't felt and realized. It is even more curious that among them it consists of Muslim clerics and intellects. Except the erosion of aqidah is also due to the influence of secularism, terialism, elitesm, and ism-ism outside the teachings of Islam.

Second, Akhlaq: teachings related to the formation of mental attitudes. The Messenger of Allah confirmed that he was sent to perfect the glory of moral virtue. But as we analyze qidah, so is the question of Akhlaq. This means that when a person is fragile, then as a result, a despicable attitude/trait is again low. Like people who are arrogant, unappreciative of others, jealous, lying, deceitful, greedy, eager to win for themselves when in power, unwilling to be criticized, to superiors to pander, to others to ignore or to be indifferent, and to downward pressure even sometimes oppressively, and so on.

Third, Worship: teachings dealing with the rules and ordinances of man's relationship with God. This is called mahdhah or special worship. In practice, ria' (wanting to be praised or judged) arises as a result of a rusty or fragile heart, so the charity is in vain before God. (Snakes).

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