Kamis 14 Dec 2023 21:35 WIB

Sheikh Muhammad Rajab Visited Tazakka Islamic Modern Boarding School

Tazakka Islamic Boarding School is often visited by Shaykh Muhammad Rajab.

Sheikh Muhammad Rajab gives tasiyyah at Pondok Modern Tazakka
Foto: Tazakka
Sheikh Muhammad Rajab gives tasiyyah at Pondok Modern Tazakka

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Damascus cleric Sheikh Dr Muhammad Rajab visited Pondok Modern Tazakka in Batang Central Java on Wednesday (13/12/2023). Together with his wife and two sons, the successor of the great ulama (alm) Sheikh Rajab Deeb strengthened silaturahmi and spread islamic values.

He was greeted by hundreds of santri and families of Pondok Modern Tazakka. They gathered at the Az-Zaky Mosque. There the cleric gave inspiring speech to the santri and teachers.

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One of his key message of his speech is that of Dzikirullah. “Dzikr is a condition for all worship to be accepted. Praying without remembering Allah is categorised as a negligent person in his prayer. Just like fasting, many people fast but forget to remember Allah, so what happened was he fasted but still said and did sin,” said Sheikh Muhammad Rajab as told by Headmaster of Tazakka Anang Rikza Masyhadi.

The believers deny a lot, while the hypocrites deny a little. Wherever and whenever a believer is, under any circumstances, he never abandons his religion.

“It is this Dzikr that guides us to behave well and rightly. Therefore, do not understand Dzikr as limited to oral speech, because its essence is the full realization that we are with God,” said Sheikh Rajab

Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Rajab is an expert in the field of Arabic Language. His father, Sheikh Dr Rajab Deeb, was an expert in tafsir. One of his works in the field of tafsir is the book Tafsir ar-Rahib.

From that book of tafsir, Kiai Anang was inspired to write a work on the Quranic study of Al-Fatihah. “I'm translating and interprete it. God willing this Ramadan will be finished,” Kiai Anang said.

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