Senin 18 Dec 2023 19:02 WIB

Sucofindo Conducted Halal Certification for Local Cosmetic Producers

Sucofindo is ready to support inspection and/or halal testing for other products.

Two person examined samples at the PT Sucofindo Laboratory, Cibitung, Bekasi, West Java.
Foto: Republika/Chairul Akhmad
Two person examined samples at the PT Sucofindo Laboratory, Cibitung, Bekasi, West Java.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Sucofindo was collaborating with the Directorate of Manufactured Product Export Development (PEPM) of the Directorate General of National Export Development (Ditjen PEN) of the Ministry of Trade in realizing halal certification for 18 local cosmetic producers with an export orientation.

"Hopefully this certificate will be able to become a reference for expanding to a wider market, not just the national scope. And we hope that the fostered partners will maintain their commitment to consistently implementing halal products," said Head of PT Sucofindo's Halal Unit, Agus Suryanto, in Jakarta, Monday (Dec. 18, 2023).

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If there are changes to raw materials, processes and products, the fostered partners will be asked to renew the certificate.

Symbolically, halal certificates were handed over to 10 fostered partners, which were given directly by the Director of Manufacturing Product Export Development at the Directorate General of National Export, Ministry of Trade, Dewi Rokhayati and Senior Advisor to the Directorate General of National Export, Ministry of Trade, Ganef Judawati, and accompanied by the Head of the Halal Unit of PT Sucofindo, Agus Suryanto.

To obtain the halal certificate, the fostered partners follow the product halal inspection process by the Main Halal Inspection Institute (LPH) PT Sucofindo. Furthermore, the Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) conducted a halal fatwa hearing. After being determined halal, the Halal Product Guarantee Administering Agency (BPJPH) issues a halal certificate.

Agus said that LPH Sucofindo is ready to support the Ministry of Trade in inspection and/or halal testing activities for other products with a wider scope nationally and internationally. "Sufocindo is able to carry out halal inspections for micro and small businesses, medium and large businesses, as well as overseas, and has very complete infrastructure," he said.

The infrastructure owned by the company includes accredited halal testing laboratory facilities, qualified halal testing equipment supported by Droplet Digital PCR technology, and equipped with quality halal auditors who are certified and competent in their fields. The company is also able to provide one stop services, especially in ensuring food safety, including through organic certification, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACPP), as well as SNI ISO 22000 regarding Food Safety Management Systems, which are requirements export.



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