Rabu 20 Dec 2023 15:49 WIB

Muslims Abandon Prayer and Died, Allah Will Forgive Him?

Muslim must do the prayer along his life.

Rep: Umar Mukhtar/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Foto: Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- We found some Muslims who do not do prayer. So when they die, does Allah forgive them?

If the Muslim abandons prayer because he disbelieves, he can be said to be a non-believer in Allah. Therefore, anything done so that his sins are forgiven after he dies, will be of no benefit.

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Allah (swt) said: “And what prevents them from receiving their children is because they disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger, and they do not perform prayers, but lazily and do not consume their wealth, but with reluctance.” (QS At-Taubah verse 54)

However, there is also a Muslim who renounces prayer not because of renouncing it but because of lazy nature but they believe and recognize the obligation of prayer worship 5 times. Those who join this group, and then die, remain viewed as Muslims in the opinion of most scholars.

If a person of this group is around us, or perhaps a close relative or relative, then ask Allah for forgiveness for his sins and also by increasing prayer.

For, in the opinion of most scholars, the prayer is beneficial to the deceased. The prayer in question is a prayer to ask Allah for forgiveness for his sins, especially leaving the obligatory prayer 5 times.

The prayers can be performed during prostration in the third of the night, prayers during fasting, prayers between adzan and iqomah, and prayers between the Ashar prayer times until sunset on Friday, as well as the necessary times to extend the prayer.

Another useful practice besides praying for him, is to give blessings in the name of the deceased and also perform the Hajj or Umrah in his name. This is a form of ikhtiar so that the reward of the deed goes to the deceased person.

Even when the parent has passed away, and the person concerned renounces the obligatory prayer and fasting, then under these circumstances, the children have the obligation to beg forgiveness for their parents, give alms on their behalf, and perform umrah worship on behalf of their parents.

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