Jumat 22 Dec 2023 16:46 WIB

7 Commitments of Ulema to Support Election 2024

Ulema and interfaith figures agreed to make the 2024 elections safe and peaceful

Ulema association support election 2024.
Foto: Dok Istimewa
Ulema association support election 2024.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA The Indonesian Ulama Assembly Commission (MUI) together with a number of interfaith figures in Indonesia declared peaceful elections. The declaration was made at Aula Buya Hamka MUI, Menteng, Central Jakarta, on Thursday (21/11/2023).

“All religions maintain unity and unity in the 2024 elections. We will formulate a strategy that is important in formulating peaceful elections,” said Chairman of the MUI Dakwah Commission, KH Ahmad Zubaidi, in his statement on Friday (22/12/2023).

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The declaration resulted in seven peace commitments ahead of the 2024 elections, namely:

1. Ready to support the organization of peace in the entire 2024 election process

2. Ready to escort each people not to be provoked by provocative issues that could undermine the peace of the entire 2024 election process

3. Commit to watch each other's people from engaging in politics that could undermine the unity and unity of the nation

4. Committed to being an exemplary example for the people in building and fostering the brotherhood of the nation and the Fatherland

5. Building a spirit of high tolerance among religious communities in Indonesia

6. Rejects the politicisation of religion or the use of religious symbols for purely electoral benefit

7. Calls for each religion to follow the electoral process well and not abstention

Meanwhile, before the declaration, a Focus Group Discussion was held with interfaith figures in order to formulate a strategy for the declaration to preserve the unity of the nation ahead of the 2024 elections.

The event took place at Aula Buya Hamka MUI, Jalan Merdeka 05 Menteng, Central Jakarta, on Thursday (21/12/2023).

According to MUI Chairman of Dakwah and Ukhuwah, KH Cholil Nafis, this activity is intended to unite the manhaj (method) of dakwah on all religions in uniting the nation ahead of the elections.

“The situation ahead of this election is quite alarming, because there has begun to be disturbances to the peace of the elections,” he said in Jakarta (21/12/2023).

In fact, Kiai Cholil said, the phenomenon of disorder occurs because the internal conflict between religious people and between religious people begins to appear.

According to him, With the gathering of religious figures and agreeing in this peaceful election, the potential for social insecurity can be minimized.

“The easiest entrance to create interference to the election is through religious narratives or religious politicization,” he added.

This agenda was attended by KWI Secretary Paulus C Siswantoko, Vice Chairman for Ideology and Unity of the Nation Putu Sastra Winparta, Chairman of MATAKIN Chandra Setiawan, PGI Secretary Pdt Jimmy Marcos Immanuel Sormin, and Ketum Permabudhi Philip Kuntjoro Widjaja.

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