Jumat 22 Dec 2023 17:05 WIB

HARUM Care Distributes Income of IDR 100 Million through Baznas RI

Distribution of Baznas to Palestine is still ongoing today

HARUM Care distributes humanitarian income for Palestine amounting to IDR 100 million.
Foto: dok Baznas
HARUM Care distributes humanitarian income for Palestine amounting to IDR 100 million.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- HARUM Care, an organization engaged in social services, distributes IDR 100 million in humanitarian income for Palestine through the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) RI.

The distribution of humanitarian funds for Palestine was handed over directly by the Chairman of HARUM Care, Ridwan and his staff to the Head of Baznas RI Retail Collection Division, Arief Budiman at Baznas RI Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (20/12/2023).

Baca Juga

In his speech, the Head of Retail Collection Division of BAZNAS RI, Arief Budiman expressed his gratitude and appreciation to HARUM Care for entrusting the distribution through Baznas RI.

“Thank God, our thanks and appreciation go to HARUM Care for entrusting the distribution of humanitarian income for Palestine through Baznas RI,” Arief said.

Arief revealed that Baznas RI channeled humanitarian income for Palestine in several stages. He said that the distribution is still going on until now.” We need to convey that until now the distribution of humanitarian funds is still ongoing. We also established cooperation with three leading philanthropic institutions in Egypt,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of HARUM Care, Ridwan also expressed his gratitude to BAZNAS RI for receiving help from HARUM Care to be handed over to the Palestinian people.

“We thank BAZNAS for allowing us to attend as well as bringing a mission of trust to deliver to our brothers in Palestine,” he said.

He reiterated that HARUM Care gave full support to the Palestinians to gain their independence. He said that independence is the right of all nations.” In addition, we also deserve to thank the Palestinian people who patiently defended the sanctity of the Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian land, which is the land of the prophets,” he said.

Ridwan hopes that the aid channeled through Baznas RI can reach all victims of Israeli atrocities in Gaza Palestine, and that those involved in the distribution receive a reward from God.

Also present were the Chairman of the HARUM Karawang Foundation, Syafira Ramadhani; Chairman of the Daily Managing Board of the HARUM Foundation, Asep Saepudin; and the Advisor of the HARUM Foundation, Ahmad Rusdy.

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