Jumat 22 Dec 2023 20:29 WIB

Mother's Day Greetings, Inspirational and Memorable

Artists uploaded memorable remarks on Mother's Day December 22.

Rep: Shelbi Asrianti/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Melly Goeslaw. Melly became one of the Indonesian artists who uploaded a greeting for mothers on Mother's Day 22 December 2023.
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Melly Goeslaw. Melly became one of the Indonesian artists who uploaded a greeting for mothers on Mother's Day 22 December 2023.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Mother's Day in Indonesia is celebrated on December 22 every year. On this day, many people celebrate it merrily. Some make remarks on social media or upload photos of being together with their beloved mother.

Public figures do the same. One of them is singer Rossa, which she shared via her @itsrossa910 account on December 21, 2023. Rossa uploaded a video singing the song “Bunda” with Melly Goeslaw.

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“Happy Mother's Day. Offerings from me and @melly_goeslaw. Accidentally we post today, so that you can make a “gift” for her mother. It must be happy to thank you, want a small gift or a prayer. I hope we can always be happy for our mother. Amen,” Rossa said.

Melly Goeslaw shared the same post via Instagram account @melly_goeslaw yesterday. She called it an offering for all mothers in Indonesia. Today, Melly also made a new upload. “Happy National Mother's Day 2023,” Melly revealed.

Singer Yuni Shara posted on her Instagram Story, with a photo of her mother when she was young. “Happy Mother's Day to mothers and future mothers all over this motherland,” Yuni said. Through her @yunishara36 account, she also uploaded another photo of herself with her sisters. “Happy mother's day to my sisters, @krisdayantilemos @kartikasary,” she said.

Musician Dikta or Pradikta Wicaksono makes quite memorable uploads. She uploaded a photo of her mother on the @dikta account, following two other photos. One of the photos featured Dikta with her mother as a child, and was remade with the same pose “Selamat hari wibu ma,” Dikta said.

Meanwhile, actress Ririn Ekawati made a special Mother's Day post that reflected her as a mother figure. She shared a photo with one of her daughters, Abigail Cattleya Princess. Ririn says the process of learning to be a mother is never-ending, including learning to be patient and hold back emotions.

The wife of actor Ibn Jamil also said motherhood was a struggle. Through the post, Ririn reminds herself to be a mother to the best version of herself, while being happier. “There is no perfect mother, be a happy mother and keep learning. To all you mothers, you guys are great. Happy mother's day,” Ririn said on the @ririnekawati account.

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