Ahad 24 Dec 2023 20:39 WIB

Muhammadiyah Will Delegates Best Personnel to Be Hajj Officers 2024

Marjuki Al Jawiy reminds Hajj officers must have a sincere soul and devotion.

Rep: Erik PP/Antara/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Secretary of Hajj and Umrah Training Institute (LPHU) Muhammadiyah, Marjuki Al Jawiy.
Foto: Republika.co.id
Secretary of Hajj and Umrah Training Institute (LPHU) Muhammadiyah, Marjuki Al Jawiy.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The selection of Hajj officers held annually by the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Ministry of Religious Affairs) to accompany God's guests to the Holy Land has begun. Muhammadiyah through the Hajj and Umrah Guidance Institute (LPHU) prepares the best cadres who are experts in health, emergency disaster response, religious experts, and other fields to participate in the selection to become Hajj officers.

Secretary of the Pilgrim and Umrah Training Institution (LPHU) PP Muhammadiyah Dr Marjuki Al Jawiy also appreciated the Ministry's performance related to the 2023 Hajj service. He also and supported the enactment of an istito'ah of health in order for the Hajj procession next year, to go smoothly and solemnly.

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“Hopefully next year's Hajj can be even better, with the support of Muhammadiyah cadres as Hajj officers,” Marjuki said in Jakarta, Saturday (23/12/2023).

Marjuki reminded Hajj officers must have a sincere soul and devotion. It was because in the Holy Land they devoted themselves to facilitating God's guests to worship.

“In addition to having knowledge, one must also have the provision of reverence and devotion so as to lead the pilgrims to achieve Hajj Mabrur,” Marjuki said.

The Ministry of Religious Affairs said that it would hold a selection of regional Hajj officers to organize the Hajj 1445 Hijriyah/2024 AD in January 2024. The total available quota is 1,572 people.

"The selection process will be held in January 2024. In total there are 1,572 quotas available for regional Hajj officers," said Director of Hajj Development at the Ministry of Religion, Arsad Hidayat, in a statement in Jakarta, Wednesday last week.

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