Jumat 29 Dec 2023 09:01 WIB

Aman Palestine Has Delivered Tens of Thousands of Packages to Gaza

Aman Palestine has sent aid to 220,380 beneficiaries in Gaza

The humanitarian agency Aman Palestine (AP) Indonesia distributed Emergency humanitarian aid from October to November 2023. Such assistance is in the form of ready-to-eat food assistance, medical aid, medical equipment assistance, basic food assistance, winter supplies assistance and cash assistance.
Foto: dok Aman Palestin
The humanitarian agency Aman Palestine (AP) Indonesia distributed Emergency humanitarian aid from October to November 2023. Such assistance is in the form of ready-to-eat food assistance, medical aid, medical equipment assistance, basic food assistance, winter supplies assistance and cash assistance.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The humanitarian agency Aman Palestine (AP) Indonesia is distributing Emergency humanitarian aid from October to November 2023. Such assistance is in the form of ready-to-eat food assistance, medicine assistance, medical equipment assistance, basic food assistance, winter supplies assistance and cash assistance.

Aman Palestine Director Miftahuddin Kamil said since the October 7, 2023 humanitarian tragedy occurred in Palestine, Aman Palestine Indonesia as a humanitarian agency has consistently provided assistance.

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“We delivered this aid to 220,380 beneficiaries at some point in the conflict areas of the Palestinian Gaza Strip,” Miftah said.

The assistance provided includes the first phase of ready-to-eat meals of 8000 packages, the second phase of 1200 packages, the third stage of 4,868 packages and the fourth stage of 30,000 packages and cash. Furthermore, other aid measures include 4,686 packages of medicines in the first phase and the second phase of 30,000 thousand packages delivered to hospitals in Gaza, including Indonesia's Asy-Syifa hospital, and more than five locations in Palestinian Gaza.

Other assistance includes winter supplies in the form of 8000 swater, 8000 mattresses, 8000 blankets, 8000 warm clothes in 64 refugee locations and we also distribute basic food for food stocks in the form of wheat and cheese vegetable packages and others besides that we also send baths in the form of two ambulances placed in As-Syifa Hospital.

We distributed the aid to Asy-Syifa Hospital, Indonesian Hospital, Gaza Hospital, Shuhada Al Aqsa Camp, 2 UNRWA Schools, Abu Yusup Annajar Camp, Nasir Camp and 64 makeshift tents in Gaza Palestine, Miftah said

“Aman Palestine Indonesia is very appreciative and grateful to all donors may Allah SWT repay them with double rewards,” Miftah said.

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