Sabtu 30 Dec 2023 00:10 WIB

Manuscripts of Indonesian Clerics Exhibited

Manuscripts of Indonesian scholars are studied in many places.

The officer takes care of the ancient manuscript of the Sri Baduga Museum collection at Jalan BKR, Astanaanyar, Bandung City, Tuesday (10/1/2023). Care of the objects of the museum collection to maintain their integrity and condition and avoid damage due to the age of the objects.
The officer takes care of the ancient manuscript of the Sri Baduga Museum collection at Jalan BKR, Astanaanyar, Bandung City, Tuesday (10/1/2023). Care of the objects of the museum collection to maintain their integrity and condition and avoid damage due to the age of the objects.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- The East Java Provincial Library and Archives Department in cooperation with the “Nahdlatut Turots” Community organized an exhibition of ancient manuscripts by Indonesian scholars in Surabaya, 21 - 22 December 2023.

“From this exhibition we can understand how the scholars of East Java and Indonesia in general have an incredible depth of knowledge,” East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa while watching the exhibition in Surabaya, some time ago.

Baca Juga

The exhibition features ancient manuscripts by nine Indonesian scholars, the majority of whom are from East Java.

Each is a manuscript by Shaykhona Kholil Bangkalan, Hadratussyaikh Hasyim Asy'ari, Sheikh Nawawi Al Bantani and Sheikh Mahfudz At Tarmasi.

In addition KH Soleh Darat, KH Ahmad Rifai Kalisalak, KH Fadholi Senori, KH Maskumambang and Sheikh Ihsan Jampes.

As seen in the exhibition, the manuscripts of Indonesian scholars were written using Javanese letters. Most are written using Arabic letters.

The oldest manuscript on display dates back to the 15th century written on a bay leaf.

Most of the other manuscripts are written on the fibers of the plant Broussonetia papyrifera or better known as daluang paper.

The same exhibition last year was held by Governor Khofifah in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for four days, 26 - 28 November 2022.

According to him, some books that were once written by Indonesian scholars even today are still widely collected by scholars abroad.

“The books of Sheikh Nawawi Al Bantani, from Banten, for example, are considered very popular in the countries of the Middle East region,” he said.

In addition, Khofifah states that some books by Shaykh Mahfudz At Tarmazi from Pacitan, East Java, are used as Strata 3 University curriculum in Middle Eastern countries.

“If these ancient manuscripts continue to be excavated and corroborated, our scholars, on average, think moderately. Then the thinking can build along with the growth of the local culture,” he said.

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