Ahad 31 Dec 2023 12:00 WIB

First in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah Lecturer Successfully Discovered Natural Diabetes Drug

This study aimed to prove the effectiveness of moonflower leaf extract.

Red: Erdy Nasrul
Blood sugar level detection device (illustration).
Foto: www.freepik.com
Blood sugar level detection device (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MALANG -- Often subscribed to deadly diseases in Indonesia, Diabetes Millitus (DM) never looks at its sufferers in terms of age or socioeconomic background. The main triggers of this popular disease are unhealthy lifestyle and diet.

Seeing this phenomenon, Professor of Biological Education of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Prof. Eko Susetyarini made an effort to explore the potential of moonflower leaf extract (Tithonia diversifolia) as an alternative medicine.

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Eko tried to explore the potential potential of local medicinal plants due to the cost of treating diabetes medically so expensive and having triggers for side effects due to conventional treatment. Behind this, the interest and attraction of people to return to natural medicine and the back to nature lifestyle make the demand for medicinal plants high not only in Indonesia but throughout the world.

Today medicinal plants in Indonedia are still very limited especially the main ingredients as herbal medicine. This is certainly not enough if the ingredients are not collected completely because they are not included in the standard herbal medicine (OHT) or phytopharmaceuticals. OHT means a natural medicine that has proven efficacy and safety for consumption.

“If the potential development of this medicinal plant is successful, then its sales value will be successful,” he said as quoted in a press release, Friday (29/12/2023).

In detail, this study aimed to prove the effectiveness of moonflower leaf extract that can lower blood glucose levels by conducting trials on Wistar rats (Rattus norvegius). In its presentation it has been tested with indications that the leaves of the moonflower have a significant role as a natural remedy for diabetes management.

Evidently, with a moonflower leaf esktrak content of 5.14 ml/200g BB showed an effective effect with closing the average blood glucose level reaching 136.80 mg/dl.

Through this early-stage trial, Eko is increasingly optimistic to develop good effectiveness and pontency in the manufacture of natural diabetes drugs from moonflower leaf esktrak. He believes that with good refinement and thoroughness he will create the first natural diabetes drug in Indonesia.

“Although the results have been seen, there is still further research. After this, we will investigate the safety of esktrak on liver and kidney function,” he said.

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