Selasa 02 Jan 2024 12:56 WIB

The Way of Prophets to Fulfill Their Life Need

Zechariah was a carpenter and the Prophet David was a blacksmith.

Rep: Ahmad Syalabi Ichsan/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
People pray for the prophet Muhammad.
Foto: Dok Republika
People pray for the prophet Muhammad.

REPUBLICA.CO.ID, MEDINA -- The prophets were sent by Allah SWT to earth with skills and knowledge above ordinary human beings. With it, they are able to fulfill life in the world. It was this way that made them independent and free from the intervention of their people.

This is evidenced by the many verses of the Quran that state that the Prophets did not need the property of the community in which he lived in the interests of his preaching. We can see how Noah spoke to his people. “And O my people! I did not ask the people for property (in return) for my call. My reward is only from God.” (QS Skin: 29).

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Many prophets had livelihoods. Like ordinary people, they work hard. This proves that the prophets did not preach in order to obtain wages and wealth from their people. Society will not respect people whose lives depend on their wages and supper.

While still living in heaven, the Prophet Adam was endowed with skills and science. And Allah fills it with fruit. A hadith tells of the life of Adam. “When God took Adam out of heaven, he filled him with the fruits of heaven and taught him the art of making all things. Thus, your fruits are the fruits of heaven. It's just that this one changed its taste whereas that one didn't.” (transmitted by al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak, 2/592).