Rabu 03 Jan 2024 06:05 WIB

Senior Economist Rizal Ramli Dies

Rizal Ramli died in treatment at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.

Rep: Hasanul/ Red: Budi Raharjo
Former Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs, Rizal Ramli, during an interview in Tasikmalaya City, Monday (28/3/2022).
Foto: Republika/Bayu Adji
Former Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs, Rizal Ramli, during an interview in Tasikmalaya City, Monday (28/3/2022).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Senior economist Rizal Ramli reportedly died in Jakarta on Tuesday (2/1/2023). Rizal Ramli died in treatment at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.

“Innalillahi wa inna illaihi rojiun. Has passed away, our father/grandfather-in-law, Rizal Ramli on January 2, 2024 at 19:30pm at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. We as a whole family apologize for any mistakes he made during his life,” a short family message quoted by the X Teguh Santosa account as confirmed by Republika.co.id

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The news of Rizal Ramli's death has spread on X or Twitter. “Innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiun, good bye Mr Rizal Ramli, Indonesia mourns,” former KPK investigator Yudhi Purnomo Harahap wrote on his account.

Rizal Ramli who is Padang born is known as a figure quite critical of the government. The former Menko Ekuin repeatedly made sharp criticisms about the economic problems facing the country.

Rizal Ramli's close relative, Adhi Massardi, revealed that the former Menko Ekuin died as a result of sugar sickness and suffered complications. He has been treated at the RSCM since a month ago.

“With his planned burial in Jeruk Purut, he is still waiting for her daughter from the US to come to Jakarta,” said Adhi.

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