Rabu 03 Jan 2024 14:13 WIB

Women Association of Al Irsyad Must Show Conscientiousness

Nining Naimah Al Jaidi was elected Chairman of Women Association of Al-Irsyad.

Rep: Umar Mukhtar/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Al-Irsyad Women's Region Manager Central Java held the 1st Al-Irsyad Women's Region (Muswil) event on December 9-10, 2023.
Foto: Dok. Wanita Al-Irsyad
Al-Irsyad Women's Region Manager Central Java held the 1st Al-Irsyad Women's Region (Muswil) event on December 9-10, 2023.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Al-Irsyad Women's Region Administrator Central Java held the 1st Al-Irsyad Women's Region (Muswil) event on December 9-10, 2023. This Muswil is about “Embodying Smart Leadership In Building A Solid, Integral And Karimah-Like Female Cadre Of Al-Irsyad Women Towards Superior Indonesian Women”.

Muswil event was held in Pekalongan City, the place where Dra. Nining Naimah Al Jaidi as Chairman of PWW. He has prepared for the chairmanship of various related PCW namely SC Committee of PCW Chairman Al-Irsyad Brebes Zubaedah Al Hindi and OC Committee of PCW Al-Irsyad Pekalongan Najah Attamimi.

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Chairman of PB Women Al-Irsyad, Dra. Fahimah Abdul Kadir Askar, was present at the Muswil event, accompanied by Sekjen dr. Djamilah Bahasoean and Ir. Ema Salmah Bamu'min, ST, MM, IPU, Department of Dakwah Fairus Abdillah Hatim, Department of Media and Communication Eva Anisah Hasan Ambadar, and Admin Fitriyah Alkatiri.

The event was held at Al-Irsyad Pekalongan Women's Branch TPQ School. Chairman of PCW Al-Irsyad Pekalongan, Mudhiah Baisa, welcomed the arrival of Muswil participants from several Al-Irsyad Women Branches. As for the committee prepares all the needs and equipment of the event such as Building, Consumption and so on.

The first day, the event took place suavely and was continued with an opening by Ketum PB Women's Al-Irsyad Dra. Fahimah Abdul Kadir Askar. It was then continued in the evening with an Organizational Management Seminar delivered by Dra. Nining Naimah Al Jaidi.

Congres was held on Sunday, December 10, 2023. There are two candidates to be candidates for Chairman of Al-Irsyad Women in Central Java, namely Noni Al Bakri and Dra. Nining Naimah Al Jaidi. As for those elected to the Chairperson of PWW Al-Irsyad Central Java, Nining Naimah Al Jaidi for devotional period 2023 - 2028.

Chairman of Women's Al-Irsyad Fahimah Abdul Kadir Askar said that leadership is not only about leading, but also about empowering, inspiring, and creating positive change in the surrounding community.

“Smart leadership is not only about intellectual intelligence, but also wisdom in making decisions. As leaders, we need to understand the dynamics of the changing times, the leader must be acceptable, love and be loved by his people prayed and prayed for by his people,” he said in a statement received on Monday (11/12/2023).

She said that Al-Irsyad women should always strive to be at the forefront of change. He reminded of the great role and responsibility in society especially towards the Ummah. The motto “Khoirunnaaas Anfauhum Linnaas” can be realized by intelligent work, innovation, improvisation as well as solitude, integrity and ukhuwah among Al-Irsyad Women, synergy between Al-Irsyad Women, local governments as well as related parties.

“The women of Al-Irsyad must always set an example in morality, maintain dignity and organization, and guide our cadres to be responsible persons of noble character as a strong foundation and spirit of togetherness, mutual support, loyalty, and commitment to achieve the vision and mission of Al-Irsyad Women,” Fahimah said.

After the Muswil event, PBW Al-Irsyad visited several Al-Irsyad personalities, Umar Badres, who gave a flashback of the history of Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah from the beginning to the end of his tenure as administrator.

“These are the assets of organization that we will document to the documentation Team and report to the Al-Irsyad Women's Bureau in particular, in order to understand the chronology of Al-Irsyad Al Islamiyah's journey, so that the victim can go to the next generation with an understanding of history. So that Irsyadi can step and move in the corridor as expected by organization founder Sheikh Ahmad Surkati,” he said.

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