Rabu 03 Jan 2024 14:19 WIB

BMH Sends Aid to Residents Affected by Earthquake in Sumedang

An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.8 has rocked Sumedang.

A 4.8 magnitude earthquake has shaken Sumedang.
Foto: Dok BMH
A 4.8 magnitude earthquake has shaken Sumedang.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.8 has rocked Sumedang West Java Indonesia. The incident caused quite severe damage to residents' residences and public facilities. According to experts, the damage occurred due to the impact of a shallow epicenter and weathered soil. In addition, aftershocks have also occurred repeatedly.

Zakat Instituion Baitul Mal Hidyatullah (BMH) also moved quickly and managed to penetrate the point affected by the most severe earthquake in Sumedang, precisely in Kampung Lingayong, Cipameungpeuk, RT 001 RW 003 Kel. Cipameungpeuk Kec. Sumedang Selatan, Kab. Sumedang, West Java. Tuesday (02/01/2024).

Baca Juga

BMH team immediately handed over several types of aid, from groceries, snacks, mineral water and some types of common medicines, to the residents of Kempameungpeuk Neighborhood.

Head of Program and Empowerment of BMH West Java Yusep Suhendar said, “Aid distribution is handed over to the Relief Post managed by the Cipameungpeuk Family in order to avoid complaints from residents affected by the earthquake, after which the ward will evenly distribute the aid from the donating community.”

Ujang Hijrah as Lurah in Cipameungpeuk said that in his region was the worst point of the impact of the earthquake that hit for 2 days in a row from Sunday to Monday night.

“From the provisional data recorded, 13 houses were severely damaged and 107 houses were lightly damaged, with a total of 120 victims affected,” Yusep added.

One of the houses that was particularly badly affected was that of Apep who is also an RT in the region. He along with his son and wife were among the victims of quite severe injuries.

“Currently, Mr. Apep and his family are being treated at the Kab Hospital. Sumedang,” Yusep explained.

Use Yana, one of the residents whose house was also heavily damaged, hopes that the government will take quick action to help her so that her house can be repaired and can be inhabited soon.

“For now, residents whose homes were damaged are staying in the homes of relatives, neighbors and some are left in refugee tents,” Yusep said.

Concerning urgent needs today are refugee tents, tarpaulins, blankets, mats, needs of vulnerable groups, ready meals, and health services.

“Laznas BMH will continue to monitor and send aftercare, especially the emergency response status for a week has been established by the Sumedang Government. So, we have the opportunity to care and lighten the burden of our brothers there,” Yusep concluded.

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