Jumat 05 Jan 2024 15:41 WIB

KAI Compensates Passengers Due to Train Accident in Bandung

KAI is currently trying to evacuate passengers.

Red: Erdy Nasrul
Collision of train of KA Turangga from Surabaya-Bandung with KA commuter line from Padalarang-Cicalengka, at about 06.03 pm, not far from Cicalengka Station, Bandung Regency, Friday (5/1/2023).
Foto: Edi Yusuf/Republika
Collision of train of KA Turangga from Surabaya-Bandung with KA commuter line from Padalarang-Cicalengka, at about 06.03 pm, not far from Cicalengka Station, Bandung Regency, Friday (5/1/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Daop 1 Jakarta compensates passengers affected by service disruptions due to the accident between KA Turangga on the Surabaya Gubeng-Bandung connection with Commuterline Bandung Raya.

“The rail line between Haurpugur-Cicalengka in the Daop 2 Bandung area is temporarily impassable as a result of the accident. KAI is currently trying to make evacuation efforts for the passengers in 2 KA affected by the disaster,” said Public Relations Manager Operational Area 1 Jakarta Irfan Hendriwintoko on Friday (5/1/2024).

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He explained for the traffic police from operational area 1 Jakarta affected by the disruption, namely KA 252 and KA 256 Serayu, the route is Pasar Senen-Purwokerto was engineered with a detour through Cikampek-Cirebon Prujakan-Prupuk-Purwokerto.

“While KA 268 Cikurai, the relationship between Pasar Senen-Garut PP was canceled,” Ixfan said.

KAI provides compensation for departure delays or delays of passenger trains. For passengers who wish to cancel their trip at the passenger departure station or in the middle of the journey due to an obstacle causing a delay in the departure or delay of the passenger train in question, KAI will refund the ticket duty at 100 percent in excess of the message duty.

Then, a delay in train departure at the passenger departure station which is expected to last 1 hour or more and the passenger intends to cancel his journey then KAI refunds the ticket duty at 100 percent in excess of the message duty.

Furthermore, passengers who intend to cancel their trip because they refuse to use the train with another route/detour, then the company refunds the ticket duty at 100 percent in addition to the message duty.

Then, the passenger destination station becomes unpassable by trains with a detour route, so the company wherever possible provides a mode of transport by canal, if the usual mode is not provided, the ticket duty is refunded 100 percent outside the message duty.

“KAI Daop 1 Jakarta expresses its apologies for the disruption to KA travel that occurred,” Irfan said.

It is known that there was an accident between KA Turangga connecting Surabaya Gubeng — Bandung with Commuterline Bandung Raya at km 181+700 stretch of road between Haurpugur Station — Cicalengka Station on Friday at 06.03 WIB.

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