Selasa 16 Jan 2024 19:30 WIB

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi Asks Legal Experts Before Speaking at ICJ

The number of countries supporting Palestinian resolutions at the UN is increasing.

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi
Foto: republika
Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi sought input from international law experts before speaking before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on violations committed by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem.

On February 19, 2024, Foreign Minister Retno will represent Indonesia to deliver an oral statement to provide legal views to the ICJ, at the request of the UN General Assembly requesting an advisory opinion from the ICJ, on the legal consequences of Israeli policies and actions in Palestine.

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“It is in this context that the views and input of international experts are needed. Because international law is an important element of Indonesia's foreign politics and diplomacy,” Retno said when opening an expert discussion on “Advisory Opinion at the International Court of Justice: Efforts to Support Palestinian Independence through International Law Enforcement” in Jakarta, Tuesday (16/1/2024).

The experts who spoke at the discussion, were Prof. Dr. Eddy Pratomo SH M.A, Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana SH LL M PhD, Prof. Dr. Sigit Riyanto SH LLM, and Dr. Enny Narwati SH MH. “I appreciate the presence and contribution of international legal experts to contribute thoughts and ideas to sharpen the views of international law that I will present at the International Court of Justice in February,” Retno said.

He stressed that Indonesia's diplomacy will continue from the political, economic, humanitarian, and also international law sides. So that the Palestinians can enjoy full independence.

In the three months since the start of the conflict in the Gaza Strip, the world has witnessed the highest death rate with 23,000 Palestinians killed, and medical workers and health facilities, including Indonesian hospitals, also targeted by attacks.

Retno also called the outbreak of the disease beginning to threaten refugees, to the point of becoming a humanitarian tragedy of great concern. “Therefore, Indonesia's diplomacy for Palestine is not finished. For Indonesia, a ceasefire is necessary, and will be a game changer to resolve the Gaza issue,” he said.

In addition, Retno said the number of countries supporting Palestinian resolutions at the United Nations is increasing. Meanwhile, the number of countries that opposed and abstained is decreasing.

Domestic pressure on the key state is intensifying, and at the end of last year, the UN Security Council successfully adopted a humanitarian resolution for the Palestinians. However, Retno insists that all that is not enough.

“Our presence today, is not only to support Indonesian diplomacy but to support the enforcement of the world order based on international law and to support our brothers in Palestine achieving the ideal of independence,” Retno added.

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