Selasa 23 Jan 2024 11:15 WIB

Baznas Riau Assists Medical Treatment Costs for Accident Victims

Assistance amounting to Rp 30 million to alleviate the cost of head restraining surgery.

The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) of Riau provided assistance of Rp 30 million to alleviate the cost of M Rizky Sanjaya's (18 years old) head shell installation surgery. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Friska
The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) of Riau provided assistance of Rp 30 million to alleviate the cost of M Rizky Sanjaya's (18 years old) head shell installation surgery. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKANBARU -- The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) of Riau provided Rp 30 million in aid to alleviate the cost of the head shell installation of M. Rizky Sanjaya (18 years old), a victim of a traffic accident in Pekanbaru who suffered a concussion. Rizky suffered a concussion as a result of a traffic accident on Jalan Yossudarso KM 7 near PLN substation of Rumbai District, Pekanbaru City on November 26, 2023, and had to undergo major surgery.

“This humanitarian grant of IDR 30 million will hopefully reduce the cost of Rizky'smedical treatment as long as at Awal Bros Hospital Pekanbaru reaches Rp 186 million,” said Baznas Riau Officer Musliadi in a statement in Pekanbaru, Tuesday (23/1/2024).

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According to Musliadi, the assistance that comes from the zakat of civil servants and the people of Riau is the greatest help to the patient, because the cost of surgery that his family has to pay is worth one hundred million rupiah, while the victim comes from a family that cannot afford it. Therefore, he said, through this help, we hope Rizky feels ease in treatment and can get advanced health care from Awal Bros Hospital in Pekanbaru.

“We wish Rizky a speedy recovery and we hope there are new muzakki who believe and continue their commitment to channel their zakat to Baznas Riau,” he said.

Head of Public Relations of Awal Bros Pekanbaru Mida Simanjuntak appreciated Baznas Riau for paying attention to Rizky family to ease the burden of costs that the family had to bear.

“We know that Rizky's condition is also improving, the patient can be treated again, get a referral from a first-level health facility, he can be served by the doctor who treated earlier, namely Dr. Anthar Hadisi SPBs, a neurosurgeon scheduled to come to Awal Bros Hospital on January 23, 2024,” he said.

Mayang, 23, is grateful for the help of Baznas Riau who made it easier to continue the treatment of her biological sister, as the bill for treatment is reduced.

“The total cost of surgery and treatment during Rizky at Awal Bros Hospital is around Rp 186 million,” he said.

Previously, PT Jasa Raharja had been paid Rp 14.8 million in Awal Bros RS from the total traffic accident insurance claim covered by Jasa Raharja of Rp 20 million, because previously Rizky was handled by RSUD Arifin Ahmad with a fee of Rp 5.3 million more paid also by Jasa Raharja.

In addition, the assistance of the Full Families/Pensioners Association (IKAPURNA) BTN, and donors collected Rp 33 million, Baznas Riau Rp 30 million, so the bill is still in arrears of Rp 108.2 million.

Health Coordinator of participant services for BPJS Kesehatan, IKAPURNA BTN Pekanbaru Branch Deri Yuli Fatria said the patient's family still needs more costs for long enough treatment of Rizky. “We are grateful to have the help of Baznas Riau and it is appropriate that the Riau Provincial Government in the Budget could cover the cost of the patient's surgery from the first day of surgery, because the patient is a participant in the JKN-KIS program,” Deri said.

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