Selasa 23 Jan 2024 16:22 WIB

PLN Provides Electricity for Singkawang Airport Operations

He said, PLN also improved the reliability of the system.

PLN supplies electricity for the operation of Singkawang Municipal Airport.
Foto: ANTARA/H0-Hendra
PLN supplies electricity for the operation of Singkawang Municipal Airport.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PONTIANAK -- General Manager of PT PLN Distribution Parent Unit (UID) West Kalimantan (Kalbar) Wahyu Jatmiko said that it supplies 147,000 VA of electricity for Singkawang Airport operations.

“This is our form of support so that the operation of the airport, which will test its runway at the end of January 2024, can run smoothly,” Wahyu Jatmiko said in Pontianak, Tuesday (23/1/2024).

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He said that PLN also improved the reliability of systems from generation, transmission to distribution to support Singkawang Airport operations to run smoothly.

“We are committed to continuously improving the quality of electricity supply with a high level of reliability at Singkawang Airport, which is one of the National Strategy Projects,” he said.

“One of PLN's missions is to strive for electric power to support economic activity. For this reason, PLN is ready to contribute to providing electricity supply, both to support community economic development activities and to meet electricity needs for SMEs and households,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Tebelian Sintang Airport Organizing Unit, Patah Atabri, said Singkawang I Airport is a civilian airport that has a runway dimension of 1400x30 meters and is designated as a domestic airport.

It is currently entering the completion phase of construction and access roads, terminal buildings, runways and other buildings and is predicted to be ready for operation in the near future.

“The development has reached 94 percent and is still in progress, but for the runway it is already usable and the test run will be carried out on January 24, 2024,” Atabri explained.

He added that his future plans to increase the power to 555 kVA, considering that later operations require more power.

“We would like to thank all relevant parties who have cooperated so that the electricity connection to Singkawang Airport can be carried out as expected,” he said.

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