Jumat 26 Jan 2024 13:45 WIB

Mega Sharia Bank Targets Haj Savings Volume Growth to Rise by 15 Percent

About 72.45 percent of BMS customers already have Hajj savings.

Rep: Dian Fath Risalah/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Mega Sharia Bank customers are showing their BMS card.
Foto: Republika
Mega Sharia Bank customers are showing their BMS card.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Bank Mega Syariah continues to spur growth of Hajj savings customers in 2024. This is supported by various strategies such as strengthening partnerships with strategic partners and optimizing digital services.

In 2023, the volume of Hajj Bank Mega Sharia's savings grew by 17.90 percent (year on year) to Rp 270 billion from Rp 229 billion in 2022. The composition of customers in Mega Sharia Bank is currently about 72.45 percent who already have Hajj savings.

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Sales & Distribution Division Head of Mega Syariah Bank Dila Karnela Peter said Mega Sharia Bank carried out various strategies in spurring the growth of Hajj savings. Efforts to penetrate Hajj savings include strengthening partnerships, socialization, optimization of services and reward programs.

“We are committed to continuing to innovate to provide the best for our customers, especially for owners of Hajj savings. Until the end of 2024, the volume of Hajj savings is targeted to grow by 15% per annum,” he said on Friday (26/1/2024).

Mega Sharia Bank also held a cooperation program with Schools to Universities to support Hajj preparation from a young age. Currently, as many as 6.17 percent of Hajj Bank Mega Sharia customers are under 30 years of age. While the majority of customers or 42.62 percent were 30 — 49 years old.

“In line with the Movement for the Young Hajj campaign promoted by BPKH, we invite young people to register for Hajj sooner. Moreover, the estimated waiting period for regular hajj in Indonesia today can reach 47 years,” Dila explained.

Therefore, in anticipation of the long waiting time for Hajj, people are advised to register for Hajj early. One way to make it easier to get a portion of departures is to open a Hajj savings account. When funds have reached the minimum limit, the bank will notify the customer to apply to the local Religious Department.

Today many sharia banks have Hajj savings services, one of which is Mega Sharia Bank. Savings Haji IB Bank Mega sharia has several advantages, including based on sharia principles with Mudharabah Mutlaqah agreement, light initial deposit, flexible subsequent deposit and connected online through SISKOHAT (Integrated Hajj Information and Computerized System) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, Tabungan Haji IB Bank Mega sharia is also available to individual customers for all ages (adults and children).

In order to increase the number of customers, Bank Mega Syariah also continues to spur the improvement of Hajj services for customers through the optimization of digital services. Currently, customers can more easily search for product information until opening a Hajj savings account through M-Sharia mobile banking application.

For information, until September 2023, the amount of savings volume of Bank Mega Sharia reached Rp 1.83 trillion or an increase of 19.91 percent compared to September 2022 which amounted to Rp 1.53 trillion. This growth figure is much higher than the sharia public bank industry which grew 5 percent in the same period.

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