Senin 29 Jan 2024 22:34 WIB

Celebrating National Nutrition Day, BRI Distribute Aid to Prevent Stunting

Disbursement of BRI assistance was provided to 25 Puskesmas in several regions.

BRI also took part in supporting government programs to prevent and reduce stunting prevalence rates.
Foto: dok BRI
BRI also took part in supporting government programs to prevent and reduce stunting prevalence rates.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Nutrition problems in toddlers are a public health problem that is still high in Indonesia. Stunting is not just a matter of human body size, but what is worse is its impact on the quality of life of individuals, such as lagging in motoric skills.

The 2022 National Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI) recorded the prevalence rate of stunting in Indonesia dropped from 24.4 percent in 2021 to 21.6 percent in 2022. In general, however, the figure is still high, given that the 2024 stunting prevalence target is 14 percent and the WHO standard is below 20 percent.

Bank BRI also takes part in supporting government programs to prevent and reduce the prevalence of stunting and support the achievement of sustainable development goals. This is demonstrated through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity of BRI Peduli to distribute “Prevent Stunting is Important” assistance in various regions of Indonesia.

The distribution of this aid also commemorates the National Nutrition Day which is celebrated every January 25 and is given to 25 Posyandu/Puskesmas in several areas such in Jakarta, Denpasar, Manado, Makassar and Papua.

Assistance is provided in the form of an Anthropometry Kit package at the Puskesmas or Health Center where each Anthropometry Kit package consists of digital scales, LILA tape and thermogun. In addition, additional feeding for children is carried out consecutively for 3 months.

Deputy Managing Director of BRI Catur Budi Harto revealed that BRI Peduli is a form of bank's support for government programs in preventing and reducing the prevalence of stunting and supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG's) Number 2, Without Hunger.

“This initiative has been carried out by us since 2020 and is a real effort by BRI to support the decline in Indonesian stunting numbers while encouraging the young generation,” he said.

Catur added that the provision of Anthropometry Kit assistance at the Health Center is also a real effort by BRI in promoting good basic health services so as to promote the improvement of people's quality of life.

“BRI is not only able to help drive government programs to prevent stunting in Indonesia, but also improve the quality of Indonesia's strong and great human resources for a better future,” Catur said.

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