Selasa 30 Jan 2024 21:49 WIB

Police: Explosion at Semen Padang Hospital was not a Bomb

Police confirm explosion at Semen Padang Hospital was not a bomb.

The atmosphere of Semen Padang Hospital after the explosion, Tuesday (30/1/2024). Police confirmed the explosion at Semen Padang Hospital was not caused by a bomb.
Foto: Dok. Republika
The atmosphere of Semen Padang Hospital after the explosion, Tuesday (30/1/2024). Police confirmed the explosion at Semen Padang Hospital was not caused by a bomb.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG -- Padang City Resort Police Chief Commissioner of Police Ferry Harahap confirmed that the explosion at Padang Semen Hospital was not a bomb.

“Please make it clear to the public so as not to panic that this is not a bomb blast,” the police chief told reporters in Padang, West Sumatra, on Tuesday (30/1/2024).

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Ferry said the hospital is currently focusing on evacuating inpatients to a number of hospitals in Padang City, including outpatients and patients who are in the emergency unit allowed to go home. “Post-mortems, this hospital was not operating so these patients were evacuated to other hospitals,” Ferry said.

Regarding the source or cause of the explosion, Kapolresta confirmed that the police, in particular the Indonesian Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (Inafis) team, are still investigating and investigating. From the interim observation, Ferry continued, the facilities on the seventh floor of the hospital were severely affected by the explosion. However, it is not yet known exactly what the tools were damaged.

The President Director of Hospital Semen Padang dr Selfi Farisha said he did not know the exact cause of the explosion that occurred in the hospital on Tuesday afternoon around 15.30 pm. “We cannot confirm the source and cause of this explosion yet,” said Dr Selfi Farisha, Managing Director of Semen Padang Hospital.

Currently, the hospital management is evacuating all registered inpatients of 102 people. All of those patients were transferred to several nearby hospitals for further treatment.

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