Sabtu 03 Feb 2024 16:24 WIB

Kulon Progo Regional Government Brand South Coast Area as Sport Tourism Destination

Development of the southern region is expected to keep promoting nature sustainability.

Tourists visited Glagah Beach, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta, Wednesday (3/4/2023).
Foto: Antara/Hendra Nurdiyansyah
Tourists visited Glagah Beach, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta, Wednesday (3/4/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KULON PROGO -- The Government of Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region Yogyakarta is developing the southern coast area as a beach tourist attraction and sport tourism to boost tourist visits in this region.

Acting Regent of Kulon Progo Ni Made Dwipanti Indrayanti said as one of the priority areas in DIY, the development of the southern area is expected to remain in the forefront of nature sustainability. In addition, continuing to maintain cleanliness as one of the efforts attracts the interest of tourists.

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“The potential of the southern region is not only as tourism but can also be developed into sport tourism,” Ni Made said during the Congot Bersih Festival on Saturday (3/1/2024).

He said the development of this southern area is also in accordance with the direction of Sultan HB X, which is expected to be able to become a front yard because there is Yogyakarta International Airport. The Department of Tourism has also made a master plan for the development of this Glagah and Congot area.

In addition, Ni Made promotes the importance of the role and the surrounding community in the development and sustainability of a tourist area. It is hoped that the community will contribute to supporting government programs such as development and structuring.

“Arranging doesn't mean we're getting rid of, but putting it according to its place, and certainly cleanliness should also be kept together,” he said.

Ni Made encourages collaboration and commitment of various relevant parties in arranging the south coast area in Kulon Progo to develop the existing potential to become one of the top tourist destinations in Kulon Progo as well as DIY in general.

“Our hope is the beginning, so to start something there must be a mutual commitment. I am also very grateful, because all the elements that are here that we will later be involved in the arrangement of this region are present at this moment,” Ni Made said.

Head of Kulon Progo Tourism Department Joko Mursito said that year after year, Kulon Progo Municipality is committed to the development of tourism in Kulon Progo, one of them through the labor-intensive concept of touristic surgery with the support of special funds.

“We facilitate the clean service work of tourist sites. If in those first years we could provide hygiene tools then increase in the following year. This year there began to be mentoring grants that suit what the village or tourist destination needs,” Joko said


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