Jumat 16 Feb 2024 21:55 WIB

Inaugurated as Acting Governor of East Java, This is Adhy Karyono's Focus

Adhy Karyono was officially sworn in as Pj governor of Jatim by Mendagri.

Rep: Dadang Kurnia/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Adhy Karyono was officially sworn in as acting governor of East Java (Jatim) by Interior Minister Tito Karnavian at Sasana Bhakti Praja Kemendagri Building, Jakarta, Friday (16/2/2024).
Foto: Dok Humas Pemprov Jatim
Adhy Karyono was officially sworn in as acting governor of East Java (Jatim) by Interior Minister Tito Karnavian at Sasana Bhakti Praja Kemendagri Building, Jakarta, Friday (16/2/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA — Adhy Karyono was officially sworn in as acting Governor of East Java (Jatim), Friday (16/2/2024) 2/2024). He will serve his new duties until the election of the governor-deputy governor is definitively the result of the election of the chief deputy heads of the regions (local elections).

Adhy is the regional secretary (sekda) of Jatim Province. During the last few days he was appointed as the daily executor (plh) of the governor after the terms of Khofifah Indar Parawansa and Emil Dardak replaced.

Baca Juga

Today, Adhy was sworn in as pj governor of Jatim by the Minister of Interior (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian. The inauguration took place at the Sasana Bhakti Praja Building of the Ministry of Interior (Ministry of Interior), Jakarta.

Mendagri believes Adhy can perform his duties well, seeing from his experience. “He is an intelligent and experienced bureaucrat, especially experienced in Jatim. So, he definitely understands Jatim,” Minister of Internal Affair said.

After being sworn in, Adhy declared his readiness to perform his duties as acting governor and continue the development performance already carried out during Khofifah-Emil's reign. One of its focuses is implementing bureaucratic reforms.

“We are focused on continuing the acceleration of bureaucratic reforms impacting poverty management programs, especially extreme poverty, increased economic investment, digital transformation, and unemployment reduction,” Adhy said.

Adhy also said he would continue with other strategic programs, such as human resource capacity building (HR) and tackling stunting. According to him, the variety of programs and development performance during Khofifah-Emil's reign has been outstanding.

“One proof of this is the fact that it has won 738 national and international awards from various sectors over the past five years,” Adhy said.

In the near future, Adhy admitted to internal consolidation with the executive ranks. Likewise with the legislative ranks and elements of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) of Jatim. According to him, the consolidation was important to equalize the rhythm of steps in keeping Jatim conducive until the election of governors and vice-governors of the next period.

“No less important is that we will soon coordinate with the district government because East Java is a large province, consisting of 38 districts, so that all the steps of development and administration during this transition period remain harmoniously intertwined,” Adhy said.

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