Senin 19 Feb 2024 10:50 WIB

Digital Era To Grow New Economic Center

City development centers will grow out of small towns.

Rep: Iit Septyaningsih/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Minister of Cooperation and enterpreneur unit Teten Masduki
Foto: Dokumen
Minister of Cooperation and enterpreneur unit Teten Masduki

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki insists that the digital era should be a momentum for local governments in developing their cities into new economic growth centers. He believes that urban development centers will grow out of small towns.

Therefore, Teten supports Garut choosing the focus of Go Digital as an important step to take. According to him, through the online system, the market is wider and even international can be accessed.

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What's more, he said, the arrowroot has a lot of potential to be developed. Digital growth in Garut is also high in Jabar, just like Bandung and Tasikmalaya. “In addition, Garut already has various products that have entered the online market,” he said in an official statement, Sunday (18/2/2024). By having Garut's signature products such as culinary, coffee, and leather crafts, he said, it can be a growth locomotive for Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) products.

On the other hand, the tourism industry must also be developed, so that more tourists come and buy Garut's typical souvenirs. Moreover, Garut has tourism potential that can be developed from the coast to the mountains.

For Teten, once MSMEs open their access to the online market, the quality of products should be improved. Likewise with the supply of products up to production capacity. “Equally important is that the brand value of Garut's typical products must also be strengthened,” Menkop stressed. He also emphasized the importance of quality packaging of MSME products, especially for regional souvenirs that tourists will bring home.

Teten exemplifies Japan which is very focused on developing the packaging quality of its MSME products. It makes the selling value of its products increase.

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