Kamis 22 Feb 2024 11:37 WIB

Banten Province Guarantees Rice Supply Ahead of Ramadan

The rice stock is sure to be sufficient for the next three months.

Red: Erdy Nasrul
Workers transport a 5-kilogram package of SPHP (market price supply stabilization) rice.
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Asep Fathulrahman
Workers transport a 5-kilogram package of SPHP (market price supply stabilization) rice.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SERANG -- The provincial government of Banten guarantees sufficient rice availability ahead of the entry of Ramadan in March 2024.

“We make sure rice stocks are safe, be it SPHP or premium. We also encourage the distributors of premium rice to be able to strengthen the supply,” said Banten Governor Al Muktabar, during the formation of the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) and the Regional Digitalization Acceleration and Expansion Team (TP2DD) SE-Banten, in Serang, Wednesday (21/2/2024).

Baca Juga

Al mentioned the amount of rice stocks in the local Bulog reached 6,131 tons. The amount of rice stocks is certain to be sufficient for the needs of the next three months.

Meanwhile, in order to maintain price stabilization, Al said it will conduct market operations in the district/city carried out directly by the regents and mayors, in addition to coordinating with the central government.

“We continue to conduct market operations, in order to carry out price stabilization, we continue to be on the ground to control prices and to coordinate with the central government,” he said.

In addition, it said that if there are certain things that should be involved, national intervention must necessarily report them and be ready to carry out the functions of local government in order to stabilize prices.

Head of Bank Indonesia (BI) Banten Representative Ameriza M Moesa told the regional inflation control team (TPID) to carry out the excellent program that has been running so far.

“With the activities of the TPID and TP2DD Rikorda SE-Banten, this can provide activities related to inflation control efforts especially before Ramadan,” he said.

The Council of TPID and the Regional Digitalization Acceleration and Expansion Team (TP2DD) of SE-Banten, was attended by all regional heads in Banten in order to strengthen the strategy of TPID and TP2DD to support food price stability and digital finance economy in Banten, and took place at Hotel Aston Serang, Banten.

Yuk Ngaji Hari Ini
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Wahai Rasul (Muhammad)! Janganlah engkau disedihkan karena mereka berlomba-lomba dalam kekafirannya. Yaitu orang-orang (munafik) yang mengatakan dengan mulut mereka, “Kami telah beriman,” padahal hati mereka belum beriman; dan juga orang-orang Yahudi yang sangat suka mendengar (berita-berita) bohong dan sangat suka mendengar (perkataan-perkataan) orang lain yang belum pernah datang kepadamu. Mereka mengubah kata-kata (Taurat) dari makna yang sebenarnya. Mereka mengatakan, “Jika ini yang diberikan kepadamu (yang sudah diubah) terimalah, dan jika kamu diberi yang bukan ini, maka hati-hatilah.” Barangsiapa dikehendaki Allah untuk dibiarkan sesat, sedikit pun engkau tidak akan mampu menolak sesuatu pun dari Allah (untuk menolongnya). Mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang sudah tidak dikehendaki Allah untuk menyucikan hati mereka. Di dunia mereka mendapat kehinaan dan di akhirat akan mendapat azab yang besar.

(QS. Al-Ma'idah ayat 41)

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