Jumat 23 Feb 2024 23:44 WIB

Trains Seat Booking For A Week Before Lebaran Reaches 90 Percent

There are some favorite destinations for Lebaran trains departing from Daop 1 Jakarta.

Residents at Pasar Senen Station, Jakarta (illustration). Occupancy on some trains for departures to various sections in the week leading up to Lebaran reaches 90 percent per train.
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
Residents at Pasar Senen Station, Jakarta (illustration). Occupancy on some trains for departures to various sections in the week leading up to Lebaran reaches 90 percent per train.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) recorded occupancy on some trains for departures to various sections in the week leading up to Lebaran, which is April 5—9, has reached 90 percent per train. These trains depart from Gambir and Pasar Senen Station.

“From the ticket booking data for the pre-Lebaran transit period, the majority of bookings are made for the departure schedule from April 5 to April 9,” said Ixfan Hendriwintoko, Head of Public Relations of Daop 1 Jakarta in Jakarta, Friday (23/2/2024).

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To date, he said, for the departure schedule of 8 days before Lebaran, namely March 31 to April 8 (H-10 to H-2) there is seating availability of about 443,046 seats. Of these, Ixfan revealed about 62 thousand tickets of which have been sold. He advised that the number of ticket bookings and seat availability could still change given the sale was still ongoing and there was still an additional KA programme to be run.

lists a number of favorite destinations for trains departing from Jakarta area, namely Yogyakarta, Kutoarjo, Purwokerto, Surabaya Pasar Turi, Semarang, Tegal, Kebumen, and Kroya. Overall, he said, the availability of seats for pre-departure, which is March 31 to April 9, is still quite available.

“The public can readjust the choice of departure date and time if ticket availability on favored schedules such as H-5 s.d. H-2 is already sold,” Ixfan said.

As for the additional bus departure program, Ixfan said that Daop 1 Jakarta will re-socialize regarding the number of additional buses that will be run during the Lebaran transit period. “People can also periodically check through the Access by KAI App, given that the ticket sales system is currently online and can be seen immediately if there are additional KAs that can already be booked,” he said.

Ixfan said that KAI hopes that people can plan their trips well and book tickets from afar the day before departure. Tickets can already be booked from 45 days before the selected departure schedule.

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