Rabu 28 Feb 2024 05:05 WIB

Income of Lazismu Economic Program Beneficiaries Increases

Empowerment of people also involves the process of removing structural barriers.

Rep: Muhyiddin/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
A muzaki deposits zakat fitrah at the West Java Lazisu counter at Mujahiddin Raya Masjid Bandung, Thursday (20/4/2023).
Foto: Republika/Yogi Ardhi
A muzaki deposits zakat fitrah at the West Java Lazisu counter at Mujahiddin Raya Masjid Bandung, Thursday (20/4/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Lazismu Muhammadiyah through its Research and Development (R&D) Division conducted research on the model of economic empowerment of the people towards four micro small medium enterpreneur empowerment programs based on the recommendations of team in Yogyakarta, Central Java, and East Java. As a result, beneficiaries of all four programs increased.

The four programs consist of the Mocaf Development Acceleration Program in Gunungkidul Regency, Sragen Business School Special MSME Bainan Lazisu in Sragen Regency, Bankziska, as well as the Managed Livestock Empowerment Program “Suket Ijo” Lazismus Batang Regency.

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R&D researcher Restiyana Agustine said at the Mocaf Development Acceleration Program in Gunungkidul Regency there was an increase in the income of families benefiting from this program.

According to him, the distribution of zakat, infak, and shadaqah (ZIS) funds by Lazismu Yogyakarta through the mocaf development acceleration program had an impact on increasing the income of the families of Ngudi Sari Tani Women Group members. A very noticeable change was when Lazimu Wilayah DI Yogyakarta distributed aid with ZIS funds in the form of mocaf drying houses.

Restiyana also recommended Lazismus together with partners to be able to provide assistance in the development of mocaf in terms of innovation.

“Lazismus in Yogyakarta also needs to make an assessment to find out how much working capital is needed to develop the business and formulate the most suitable form of assistance for the Ngudi Sari Farmer Women Group in the future,” Restiyana said in an online discussion on “Umat Economic Empowerment Strategy: Dissemination of Lazismus Economic Program Research Results”, Tuesday (27/2/2024).

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