Selasa 05 Mar 2024 23:24 WIB

Chairman of Muhammadiyah: Pesantren Main Reference of Children Education

Ketum Muhammadiyah calls for violence in boarding schools to be proportionate

Rep: Rahmat Fajar/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Chairman of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir.
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Chairman of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA— PP Muhammadiyah general chairman Haedar Nashir said that violence in the boarding school or in Other educational institutions should be addressed in a more moderate and proportionate manner.

According to Haedar, the increase in cases of violence in boarding schools should not generalize that boarding schools are not a safe place to put children in boarding schools.

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“Because it is an educational institution, it is also a solution with an educational approach,” Haedar said when he met on the eve of the launch of the book “Jalan Baru Moderasi Beragama: Mensyukuri 66 Tahun Haedar Nashir” at the National Perpusnas Auditorium, Jakarta, Monday (4/3/2024) evening WIB.

Cases of violence in boarding schools are again sticking out. The most recent case is the death of a Santri Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Huda, Lampung who allegedly died while participating in a penak silat belt hike in the lodge.

Previously, violence in boarding schools also occurred in Kediri and Malang, East Java.

According to Haedar his future work is to enrich the concept of more holistic education. Haedar wanted to emphasize not only the knowledge aspect but also better religious attitudes and practices.

But Haedar insists that anyone who sees violence needs to take a violent step. At the same time, appropriate coaching is also carried out and between actions and coaching must run simultaneously


“We have to have a plan to build this nation to solve the problems of violence in different aspects of life, but yes the approach should remain moderate based on the system because with the system we can solve the problems of violence holistically,” Haedar said.

Haedar acknowledges that all systems have their respective weaknesses be it in boarding schools or other educational institutions. Nevertheless, these shortcomings must be solved


“Control and control mechanisms must be carried out, both internal and external because as well as any system if the control is minimal, there will be open many or a number of deviations,” he said.

Earlier, separately the caretaker of Ponpes Tebuireng, Jombang KH Abdul Hakim Mahfudz appealed to the community not to worry or hesitate in putting her sons in the boarding house, after the heartbreaking incident.

According to him, one of the wisdom that can be gleaned from this incident is to stir the public consciousness to be more selective in choosing a boarding house for his daughters.

“It is a boarding house that has a high educational tradition and has a clear scientific line or mutawattir,” said the great-grandson of Hadratus Sheikh KH Hashim Ash'ari.

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According to Gus Kikin, in such a situation, people should remain calm and wise. The public must continue to trust the boarding house as a solid and trustworthy educational institution


“However, we must also be more critical and selective in choosing boarding houses that conform to the true Islamic values of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah An Nahdliyyah,” said Gus Kikin.

Gus Kikin hopes that this incident will be a momentum for all parties to improve the quality of education at the boarding school cottage. This event also, according to him, is a momentum to ensure that every Islamic educational institution operates according to the established standards.

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